Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

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Here ya go... Comparison between original, wire removed, and Tony's cape. :) Spoiler warning- Tony's cape wins.


Nice review there. You always make great vids Sallah.

Damn it, I've been trying to convince myself I don't need the Tony Meis cape. I spent a good bit of time futzing the stock cape on one of them and I'm quite impressed with the out come. It looks natural instead of jutting out at the sides and back.

But man, seeing you mess around with the Meis cape, folding it back and forth, moving it around, seeing it flow etc. has really got me thinking.
Nice review there. You always make great vids Sallah.

Damn it, I've been trying to convince myself I don't need the Tony Meis cape. I spent a good bit of time futzing the stock cape on one of them and I'm quite impressed with the out come. It looks natural instead of jutting out at the sides and back.

But man, seeing you mess around with the Meis cape, folding it back and forth, moving it around, seeing it flow etc. has really got me thinking.

First- Thanks for the kind words on the videos! :hi5:

Second- Dude... Are you serious!?! You're freaking DiFabio. How do you not already have one of these capes!?!?

Stop thinking about it! You NEED this cape.

No problem man. They're all great. I'm looking forward to your Batmobile review. I can't wait to get that thing myself. It's already pushing a year since I've, we've ordered.

And yeah, I'm in the process of getting two capes as we speak . . .
Great Review sallah . Yeah i need this cape bad , i just missed it at the time due to lack of funds .

I lold at the way you kept shaking him
No problem man. They're all great. I'm looking forward to your Batmobile review. I can't wait to get that thing myself. It's already pushing a year since I've, we've ordered.

And yeah, I'm in the process of getting two capes as we speak . . .

I too can't wait for the Batmobile! Finding a way to photograph that beast is gonna be a challenge... And good man on the order! I will most certainly get a second when he does another run. I want to have a spare in case the Returns cape is wired as well. :)

Great Review sallah . Yeah i need this cape bad , i just missed it at the time due to lack of funds .

I lold at the way you kept shaking him

You should shoot Tony an e-mail! He is interested in doing another run of fabric, but I am sure it would help to know he has enough customers for it first. You'd probably have some time before you'd need to pay for it that way...

And yeah- I went a little overboard on the shakey-shake. :) Folks asked to see it moving in a video though! Wanted to make sure Batman worked it enough on the catwalk for them...

Hell, displaying it will be a challenge, let alone vids and pics! From what I remember from one of your reviews, you got a place picked out for. And yeah, definitely thinking ahead to that Returns Batman. Those three figures (Batman, Catwoman, Penguin) have got to be done by now.

As for the Batman shakes, it was like a hula dancer, except a bad *** hula dancer.
Hell, displaying it will be a challenge, let alone vids and pics! From what I remember from one of your reviews, you got a place picked out for. And yeah, definitely thinking ahead to that Returns Batman. Those three figures (Batman, Catwoman, Penguin) have got to be done by now.

As for the Batman shakes, it was like a hula dancer, except a bad *** hula dancer.

I do have a table set aside for it... Just trying to decide if I want to work a way to cover it or rely on the shields as a "dust jacket". :)

I should go back and loop the shake in the video and sync it up with "The Macarena".

I do have a table set aside for it... Just trying to decide if I want to work a way to cover it or rely on the shields as a "dust jacket". :)

I should go back and loop the shake in the video and sync it up with "The Macarena".


No please :gah:

Here in Spain we're enough embarrased of that song :lol
i fitted my tony meis custom cape for this, would reccomend any one to get this, beat the hot toys cape hands down, i cant futs to save my life but this cape requires so little messing with, just drapes so naturaly and eisily
Great review Sallah and I agree that it's a must have cape for Bats89. Well worth the price to upgrade and hopefully enough people will want it for a 2nd run. Also, great tribute to Keaton naming a child after him. I love hearing about that kind of stuff. :clap
Ouch... Yeah, I couldn't do that to a fellow Freak.

I will just leave the video as-is. ;)



My Toni's cape is on the way, can't wait to change it!!

Thanks for sharing the video. I really can't stand the original cape and I hope the cape looks as good as the pics :pray: and now the for the wait :impatient:
Really appreciate all the kind words on the video! :duff

I still don't think it gives the cape justice, but I hope that seeing it move helps push people to pick this up while they have a chance. I can't express just how much better it makes the figure look.
