Completely disagree. Just watched it on blu last week and I marveled again at how Burton & company were able to make the film almost completely timeless. Outside of 1 or 2 effects, I think it really holds up still and is as much a thrill to watch now as it was when I first viewed it in '89.
A lot of the movies that have come out in the last 5 years I can't even say that about. Dated dialogue and technology, poor CGI that was used because it was "cutting-edge" at the time, etc. Batman '89 doesn't suffer from any of that because the filmmakers made a conscous effort to make it a self-contained world as much as possible, not tied to a specific year. This helps greatly in a film's aging process.
And since most of the effects work was practical, it escaped the ever-changing CGI "realism". Sure, theres a spot here or there that could be better... But for the most part, if it happens in the movie, it had to work in real life. Batman's grapple was a physical prop that fired, dropping down on criminals from above really happened, and the car really drove down the street without crazy flips and jumps. And when fantastical things do happen that move away from reality, they feel like a "comic book effect"- Like the shields being deployed. All this really divorces it from age for me.
Just my opinion though...