A-dev your getting the 89 batmobile
That's awesome man, congrats
Yep. Thanks Skull. From that other thread you know why I now can where I couldn't before.
But I won't believe it till I actually have it.
Well theres your silver lining Btw I seen you around the hulk thread to, are you getting him as well? I can wait to get him, between hulk and the dx13 I can't deside which I'm more excited for
*cough*have had him for 'bout 2 weeks now*cough*
I'm very jealous right now cause I can't wait for mine
Not to highjack this thread but, whats your thoughts on the figure?
He's great. A must for any Hulk fan. I'm a ''poseur'' fan more than some but I have no regrets about buying him and seeing him alongside Reeve Superman, Keaton Batman, Spiderman and Wolverine. You don't necessarily need the other Avengers. The size impresses you when you first open him up, then you kinda get used to it. Great shelf presence.
I think I can answer that with not actually owning it myself..... Freakin Awesome! I would love to see the Hulk next to the EB T-800 when you decide to take pics a-dev.
I think I can answer that with not actually owning it myself..... Freakin Awesome! I would love to see the Hulk next to the EB T-800 when you decide to take pics a-dev.
Duly noted. I don't want to commit to a pic-taking session but that's something I'll do if I do. ED-209 would be another good pairing I think.
Batmobile delayed for me so this figure has my permission to be released ASAP.
Batmobile delayed for me so this figure has my permission to be released ASAP.
I'm now waiting for Vintij to post that it most decidedly does not have his permission to be released.