Hot Toys - DX13 - T2: T-800 (Battle-Damaged Version) 1/6-scale Collectible Figure

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I remember while I was recovering from having my tonsils out I received my first 3 T-1000s. They soothed my pain a great deal.

I had mine out in June, not fun. I had my deviated septum corrected at the same time and when I went home I was vomiting up blood and I had to spend the night at the hospital... I had no new figures waiting for me at home :(
I just hope this figure can achieve this pose nicely

because that, with the pers. Dayummm!
That's the downside sometimes, is Hot Toys can't achieve iconic poses of the characters.

Also, the teases are getting to be ridicules. I don't recall this many teases for the photos before. It's all over facebook.
Only 1 more week to wait for my final payment on 25th i hope mine shows up on friday the 29th otherwise might not til december 2nd or so. I'll be shocked if i ever get a early processing email from sideshow.
I had mine out in June, not fun. I had my deviated septum corrected at the same time and when I went home I was vomiting up blood and I had to spend the night at the hospital... I had no new figures waiting for me at home :(

It was quite painful. And my breath stank up the house after it for a while. You can deal with the pain when you know what it is and why you have it but it definitely needed some strong medication. On the plus side I don't get sick anywhere near as often as I used to since the operation.
DX10 has real leather.
It'd be more fair to compare DX13 to MMS117 in terms of material restriction.

DX10 has real leather? What does DX13 have? That imitation kind? I own two DX10's and I didn't know :lol I just assumed it was fake.

It was quite painful. And my breath stank up the house after it for a while. You can deal with the pain when you know what it is and why you have it but it definitely needed some strong medication.

My breathe still sometimes smells like blood :huh what was so bad was that since my nose was blocked up, I could only breathe through my mouth so I felt like I was being smothered for about a week until the braces were removed from my nose.

If you ever consider doing these procedures ONLY DO ONE! I can't stress it enough. Worst experience of my life. And I'm still dealing with throat problems.
They do teasers way too much.




Was going to resist commenting on these but to get us back on topic I will.

Neck looks the same as DX10, didn't really expect a change there though. Jacket looks rather bulky, hopefully resolvable with futzing. And in the last shot it looks like it closes rather tightly around the front like those Comic-con shots (I think it was Comic-con anyway)
I had the perfect response to that but just realised I've exceeded my photobucket bandwidth limit again so can't post it. :gah:

actually I'll post it anyway so that it'll be here when I get topped up!

So does the endo eye move? I know it looked like both eyes were looking "up" in that one shot.

I guess we will find out soon enough. I am also curious about this. OMG said last week that it did not. Curious about it looking funny when the human eye os looking in a particular direction and the robot eye is looking straight.