So I had mine sitting in the box for over a week, didn't open it as I was planning to sell it. Well my curiosity got the better of me and I did open it up to take a quick peak, mainly to ensure there was no defects, and I know I'm definitely in the minority here but honestly I wasn't that impressed.
It just looks too toyish to me and the headsculpts have a very plastic look to them (I know they are made of plastic so don't need any smart comments, just has that 'plastic toy' look, if you know what I mean). Not sure what it is. I think the likeness is ok, but not spot on. Full BD sculpt looks better than the partial BD one. Looks more like Arnie to me. Dunno what it is about the partial one but it looks slightly off. I do think this has the best PERS I have ever seen though. I actually thought it was really well done, was quite impressed.
I put this next to my Enterbay 1/4 figure, and there was no comparison. The Enterbay one just looks so real and life-like, and the likeness is bang-on, from all angles. But doesn't quite have the same effect for me. Looks too toyish and likeness isn't as good as the Enterbay figure, which looks like Arnie to me no matter which way I look at it.
I know I shouldn't compare the 2 as different scales so it's not exactly fair, but I couldn't help but compare the 2 since I have both. Maybe getting into 1/4 figures has now made me overly harsh towards 1/6, but I just can't see them the same anymore, and the Enterbay figure is probably the best figure I've ever seen so it has become my new benchmark.
There are some things on the DX13 that I do like better than the Enterbay one though. I prefer the exposed metal parts on the DX13, mainly the leg and chest, as the paint looks more real to me. The Enterbay one looks a bit too dull and not shiny enough. I also prefer how the exposed knee was done on the DX13, it articulates better than the Enterbay one and you can see more of the endo leg. The severed arm also looks a lot better on the DX13.
I had a quick look at the parts, and again, wasn't impressed with these. The M79 looks very cheap and plastic looking. I'll admit I didn't pay too much attention to the others, as I just had a quick look at the package overall. Again, don't mean to compare scales here, but the M79 in the Enterbay set is one of the coolest accessories I've ever seen. Looks very real. The HT one looks like a cheap kid's toy, and I know they can do better than this.
Anyway, that's my thoughts. Maybe 1/6 isn't for me anymore, I don't know. I'm most likely going to sell this figure. I am pretty content with my 1/4 version and don't really plan to collect 1/6 anymore, but being a big Terminator fan, I'll give myself a week before I decide.