Hot Toys- DX14- Mime version Joker... didn't see this coming!

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Good thing I wasn't a Huge fan of 89 Batman... pass for me.. Where's the DX Anikin Skywalker already.. thought Hot Toys was making 1 Star Wars figure every year...
Good thing I wasn't a Huge fan of 89 Batman... pass for me.. Where's the DX Anikin Skywalker already.. thought Hot Toys was making 1 Star Wars figure every year...

That's another license that seems to have been completely forgotten!
Well, this is a good thing for completists or huge fans of the '89 film, but I'm firmly in the "what's the point?" camp. No accessories, an incredibly easy re-tool of the existing figure...huge cash grab here.
Well I can't wait for this, it looks great! No there's hardly any accessories and it should of been a standard release or Toy Fair exclusive. But I buy a figure for who the character is, sculpt and costume detail and this has all that! For me the amount of accessories is just a bonus. Where's the pre order button!
Would have preferred final scene bell tower Joker. I loved the way he looked there. They could have had a dio base with the gargoyle and him standing on the ledge.

The Dx08 covers that look. In fact that release is from the last part of the film (helicopter-ballons parade-last fight)
Joker uses a green shirt, and diferents ties before on the movie, then on the "brand X comercial" he uses a orange shirt, and a diferen tie than the Dx release.
The "mime" look, and the "museum" look are the ones with more changes on the outfit, and ofcourse the mob joker/jack napier.
I just don't see the point of it unless you already have the previous Joker Jack. If you passed on the previous figure, which you can still get for an okay price, why would you want this instead?
The biggest gripe is that it's a waste of a spot in the DX line, and completely contradicts and ignores the fact that they have confirmed Anakin for a spot, as well as the Returns license.
While this looks amazingly good I have no idea why it's being produced. I know there are some folks who are excited about it, I'm fine with the more iconic '89 Joker, and would rather see more new characters than reworks of characters that have already been produced and are still relatively easy to acquire. What happened to Penguin, Catwoman, Kilmer Batman, Robin?
Insane. Kind of pisses me off too.

Of course I want all the versions of this iconic character...but THIS version seems like a wasted slot. He's in less than a minute of the movie and he has plenty of other iconic costumes they could have chose from like the artist outfit and the flesh face/mob suit. This looks like a barebones release too in terms of accessories for being a DX. Obviously going to be a rip off at as much or MORE money than the prior Jack Joker figure. Honestly not too happy to see this revealed and I'm a huge fan of the character and the film. Looks fantastic for what it is but ...come on.
HT got to be kidding me. What next? Jack Nickelson pre-joker DX?

Sure hope so. :D

Well damn. Not the most important look but that looks superb. The headsculpt is astounding.

Perhaps thats to compensate for the lack of texture thats been coming out on the mass produced figures of late.


Has DiFabio posted yet?

Nope. Still waiting. He'll dig it and buy it but will be asking where his Mob Meeting Joker is.

Glad it's not IM, but this is a very weak release from HT. Definitely not worthy of the DX treatment. Most likely a pass from me.
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Really though. Not to keep going on about it but how does this constitute a DX? Comes with next to NOTHING except a crappy base everyone could have lived without. No extra heads or costumes. Lamest DX release ever and I bet it will push three hundred.
As long as its not IM related I'm good!
I am personally thrilled! Jack is one of my all time favorite actors, and this is more batman stuff being surprisingly revealed! What's not to love!
Now I'm more exited than ever to see the Returns stuff.
Easy buy for me!