LOL my username. Yep, us U.S. eastern treehugger nature types (even if HTs are gawd-knows plastics - another reason to ratchet down the spending on HTs.) Sassafras tea is good stuff even if some article I read started saying it was poisonous. I say Pop Tarts are processed sugar and lard and are a lot worse.
Plus u can chew sassafras twigs as a toothbrush....
ANYWAY. Yeah for sure ya gotta be patient with older figs re the price, and IMO since the figs do age for me, it gets to the point where it's not worth it. Took me a good while to get a bearably marked-up AOU Cap. I don't mind a reasonable mark-up, depending. CW Caps are probably my fav, but hafta say AOU has this comic book "pop" on the shelf. IMO not overdone, just perfect. Very very happy with him.
Yeah, Concept Cap looks cool but he is that, a concept. Plus with the black/white theme the skin tone is pretty pale. If I had to choose ONE Cap I'd go for CW or AOU, or even TFA for the retro look.