Super Freak
awesome job Devil. Your going to all make me not want this figure if they don't make the changes now...
The stand is awesome.

The stand is awesome.
Photo Manipulation Mod 3
Photo Manipulation Mod 3
I know hot toys go round the forums but again I think a few of us should send them emails with that pic , whats the harm in trying ?.
Anyone got their email address ? , I can't find it via their new site.
I don't think it would hurt sending one to both. Seriously.
Ok, before anyone starts sending stuff to Hot Toys, don't you think we should vote as a group which variation to send them. I've seen many different mods, and only Devil's Mod 3 is really appealing, I haven't liked the black dome versions and I fear if those get sent and followed through.
I'm glad we have folks who take the time to work these images, but we also need to be organized and a majority behind speciific artwork sent into Hot Toys. Unless it's a photo of the Giger suit, anything of the figure should be put to vote and elected to be what the majority of people here agree they'd like the final figure to look like.
Photo Manipulation Mod 3