1/6 Hot Toys - Infinity War - Thor

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Theory about Thor's eye:

Spoiler Spoiler:

Not sure if this was mentioned. Someone asked about changing the head on the iw version for a long hair. I think it is possible since the colar is removable?

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Not sure if this was mentioned. Someone asked about changing the head on the iw version for a long hair. I think it is possible since the colar is removable?

I'm all for customizing your figure to your taste but for someone to see this awesome figure and think about putting a long hair hair headsculpt just cracks me up for some reason:lol
Theory about Thor's eye:

Spoiler Spoiler:

Cool theory... I'm gonna wait and see what's under the eye patch for the figure and how it plays out in the film before I buy.... but the figure looks great and will be hard to pass up.
This one doesn't excite me. He looks cool but we just got two new Thor figures, one of them with this HS. Would have rather seen a new Hawkeye, Black Widow, bearded Cap or one of Thanos' henchmen.
Does anybody know if the black metal arms will have non seamless joint or will it be like the other pair? The reason why I asked is because I would like a to have a pair of arms that would not potentially crack.
Holy crap! There’s a major spoiler on that poster! Talk about a crossover!


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