Super Freak
I don't think I'll be getting the Mark II, but who knows? Maybe I'll decide I want it a few weeks down the road.
I just got an email from Sideshow saying they're going to upgrade me from the regular to the exclusive!My wife offered to get this one for me for our anniversary, but it had been too late to get the ex.
I had a Lara Croft regular on order and they didn't automatically upgrade me. I had to contact them once the exclusive started shipping and it became available through 2nd chance. At the time I wondered why they wouldn't offer an auto upgrade if it became available and not make us go through the hassle of contacting them or canceling and re-ordering.
Also of note, they say that if I want to keep the regular and not upgrade, to contact them no later than March 1. Could it mean that it may start shipping soon? It's supposed to ship 2nd quarter, but maybe they're early?
People thought the Mark 02 was going to come out in April so we should see Asian collector pics soon. As for the Sideshow Mark 02 exclusive realistically I wouldn't expect that until mid to late May or even early June. They are usually a couple of months behind.
Newsletter says there are some exclusives available
Thanks! Got me one on order.
BIG FAVOR! For all of who who recieved your Iron Man Mark 3 a while ago. Can ya'll let me know who you ordered from? I ordered from CornerStoreComics and I still dont have the figure. Mite just cancel and get 1 off ebay or something. But if you guys who already have it can let me know who you ordered from that'd be great! Great Pics!
BIG FAVOR! For all of who who recieved your Iron Man Mark 3 a while ago. Can ya'll let me know who you ordered from? I ordered from CornerStoreComics and I still dont have the figure. Mite just cancel and get 1 off ebay or something. But if you guys who already have it can let me know who you ordered from that'd be great! Great Pics!
I ordered from them too and I've been thinking about canceling, but I hear that their cancellation fees are pretty high.