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i have a TT but I think the body is too big and wide for tony. (just took it out closet to check it and the head actually turn slighty yellow. creepy) I was originally gonna try RAH301 but I might go with dedguy's suggestion of using S2. Might be a easier bash since medi outfits are hard to come by.
The new TrueType thin body with the DiCaprioesque sculpt when/if its released will be the best one to use for ol' Tony.


PILLOW FIGHT !!!!!!! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
This is an awesome looking figure. I just got my 1st figure from HT (BR Joker) and I ordered Iron Man and Batman now.

I just wish they didn't cost so much...I want so many of them.
Oh man, once you start down the path of Hot Toys forever will it dominate :lol

I actually just got the ED-209 figure... and even as badass as this figure is you can still see how far HT has progressed even since then :lecture They constantly set the bar :rock
Yes...its down hill from the first one! I guess I shouldn't act like its a bad thing, as I love collecting them. Cant wait for my shipment from Toys2!!!
This is an awesome looking figure. I just got my 1st figure from HT (BR Joker) and I ordered Iron Man and Batman now.

I just wish they didn't cost so much...I want so many of them.

I remember a few months ago you were strictly pf right ?!. :lol
You have caught the hot toys bug my friend. :lecture:D:rotfl
Oh man, once you start down the path of Hot Toys forever will it dominate :lol

I actually just got the ED-209 figure... and even as badass as this figure is you can still see how far HT has progressed even since then :lecture They constantly set the bar :rock

Oh, so true. I wish I had never discovered this collector's crack that is Hot Toys. :lol
Since the Hot Toys TDK figures, I've already gotten 3 Hot Toys figures, this one is already set, and if everything goes right I'll be able to get a few more--Iron Man Mark I, Hellboy, and hopefully I'll be able to snag Two-Face during summer. Pretty hooked now.

And I'm sure there will be lots more.
I think TDK and Iron Man will be the gateway drug for many an addiction... my first HT figure was their Neo knock-off, guess I got hooked early :lol