The Ringer
Super Freak
I like to to figs instead of just figure.
I just got some news that the prototype IR0NMAN figs are being feverishly worked on as we speak and there should be some early pics at the end of this month!!!
I just got some news that the prototype IR0NMAN figs are being feverishly worked on as we speak and there should be some early pics at the end of this month!!!
where do you get your info man!! this is great news!!!:chew
I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you!
Well, thats not strictly true. I do guest reviews for Michael Crawfords site-
Best review site on the web! ??
I sent some links off to HT of my reviews and some links to threads on various forums and struck up a fiendship with one of the people 'inside' Hot Toys.
So now I get some nice previews and early specs on some of their figures, and don't worry I'm constantly pestering for more info on all of our behalfs, you might have seen we should also be getting some pics from Batman-TDK on Monday!
Any news on The Hulk figs?
Not officialy, but if this ain't Ed Norton then I don't know who it is!
Could it be a clue?
You'll find the full spec here-