Insufferable S.O.B.
That is so very classic Superman, though.
And I don't understand how people can stomach a baby surviving interstellar travel inside a comet made of crystal and a guy who can fly in the first place but it's the whole Earth spinning backwards that is unrealistic.Superman has always been about completely impossible, outlandish stuff. The very nature of the character itself has been that way from the beginning.
Read some of the original Supes comics. Watch the Fleischer toons. Read the John Byrne revival. Nothing Donner did in the original movie betrayed the tone and theme of those... not even the Earth-spinning.
If you can believe that a gamma bomb makes you big a green super strong man, a radioactive spider can give you super powers or a man that can heal so well you can line his bones with steel, you should believe that a baby can fly in a crystal ship.
And besides, it was made Marlon Fauking Brando!!!!
Oh and the Fleischer Toons are the best Superman stories as well as the best comic hero toons ever made. They look great even to todays animation.