Hot Toys is celebrating The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary and Star Wars: Dark Side? in 2024

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Of all the predictions I think TPM Obi-Wan is the most likely, followed by (minor) upgrades of Qui-Gon & Maul.

Maybe we get an Artisan Edition for Qui-Gon with rooted hair

Outside of that trio a Battle Droid (with and without STAP) and maybe final battle Padme but that's a long shot.

No idea on the Dark Side thing. I'd love ROTS Sidious but imagine he's being saved for 2025. Maybe a few re-releases in new packaging? Another Vader, Kylo (unless they're doing TFA 10th in 2025 as well), Dooku has been gone for a while.
Three is probably the best bet to go, and battle droid with STAP is pretty much guaranteed and very high chance goes for Padawan Obi too...not expecting HT's going berserk like they did with AOTC.
Funko's Darkside plans.
Asajj Ventress would be cool .
Asajj, Savage, Malak, Revan, Plaguis, Starkiller, various inquisitors.... etc etc even concept art versions like McQuarrie Vader, training outfit Maul etc. So many possibilities but...... it will probably be another basic Vader, Artisan Anakin with Sith eyes, Palpatine, Kylo and TPM Maul.
I wonder if HT will rebrand the unreleased Inquisitors under this Dark Side label like they moved Fennic from the Mandalorian to BOBF.
meesa tinks itsa Jar Jar Binks year.
Do we have to wait until the 30th Anniversary for more Phantom Menace figures?

I thought HT would give more new TPM announcements in 2024 but still no Jake Lloyd Anakin, Padme/Queen, Artisan Qui Gon 2.0, etc.

Jar Jar still hasn’t even gone on PO and that was revealed publicly at some shows.
The fact that we didn’t even get a tan battle droid and stap speaks volumes. Hot toys new business model is 2.0 and artisan figures they can charge around $500 for.
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