Super Freak
Rise of Skywalker
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Rise of Skywalker
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What?s Tros ?
Tros as in ?aTROScious?
Were the hell is this figure .
Come on Hot toys
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Several people from the film industry have commented that it is most likely this photo was taken at the WB vault. When the film gets to this canister-in-storage stage it is done. VFX, scoring, all that. The film exists digitally on a computer and using film reels is the backup in case somehow the electronic data all gets lost.
In other words, somehow, some way, Zack got this movie completed. And I think WB gave it's blessing for him to post this.
I am actually beginning to feel optimism that the JL SC gets a theater release. And if it's a financial success, then we'll see JL 2 and 3. When Snyder released that photo #ReleaseTheSnyderCut immediately trended to #1 in the world without the RTSC even trying. There was no event or anything. WB realizes it has a huge ardent fanbase for this material that actually eschews Rotten Tomatoes/critics and the taste of the GA mainstream. And an R-rated Joker made $1B frickin' without China!
IF the SC of JL is actually a great movie... and remember that many if not most people that love BvS love it for being so offbeat... so "great" means as epic feeling even if surprising or even astonishing... which in so many aspects BvS is... but obviously even better if it is popular with the mainstream...
But anyway, that's IF...
Then more than ever, I'm thinking that the Snyderverse gets completed, i.e., Zack makes JL 2 and 3. Which means Ben returns for that, and Henry is course on board as well. (Although in exchange for playing ball he also gets to make the self-contained MoS 2 film he wants, that is set shortly after MoS. This does no harm.) The Snyderverse superheroes finish out their trilogies. Cyborg gets a solo film. Shazam and Black Adam get completed, and Cavill's Superman faces off against Black Adam in BA2. And it ends in a grand finale with Flashpoint, including JDM Thomas Wayne Batman (how awesome that will be) and Ben cameoing at the very end.
Reeves Battinson trilogy launches a separate new continuity. It'll take about 8 years before we could see a first JL film in that universe, so they have plenty of time to introduce their own superheroes in solo films to populate that universe while the Batman trilogy completes. This universe will satisfy fans that want a more traditional comic book style, modeled more on the DCAU in spirit. Although in certain ways it may be offbeat and take risks in its own way as well. E.g., MBJ Superman directed by JJ Abrams? The 2023 production timing is right for that. So Abrams makes GLC first! Although I would much rather see MBJ as a young, idealistic John Stewart alongside an older, jaded Hal in the vein of a Dirty Harry or MiB type of story. And Supergirl comes first, before Superman?
I think if this happens they will try to avoid overlap between of characters between the two continuities. There will be two Batmans, but we all know Batfleck dies in JL 3, plus the cameo at the end of Flashpoint. I think otherwise they manage to avoid duplicating characters in both universes over the next 8 years. But to whatever extent they do so that is NOT to confusing for the GA. The GA gets this.
Great speculation. For everything you said that needs to come true, all the right pieces need to be put in place for the right domino effect.
I could buy into that happening, but the thing is, WB is the studio, and in the entertainment world, a studio is the end all be all. On occasions there are exceptions where the voice of fans of cooler-level headed producers and executives can get stuff done, but the studio is the end all be all.
My point is, if they release this Snyder Cut (which I REALLY hope they do), and if the reaction is strong, then that would make WB look like fools. I don't think a studio wants to make themselves look like fools, even if the original people behind this drama are all flushed out. I'm sure there's some fear from WB that people would think, "Oh this was 100% better than what WB released, so they're total idiots for firing Snyder!"
Ultimately WB was reactionary to everything, and I will never call BvS, Justice League and Suicide Squad good films, but ultimately I think Snyder had a pretty cool and dark and scary vision of the DCEU in which I was all on board for. On a side note, I do think the BvS Ultimate Edition, while still flawed, was a better and more improved film.
Such a shame for Affleck and Cavill. I'm still not over their departure. Obviously Cavill has a better chance at returning, but we just didn't get enough of them. At some WB will have to rework and address this cause it seems like they're still acknowledging the DCEU with Wonder Woman sequels and Aquaman sequels and Bird of Prey, so I would imagine they'll just recast Batman and Superman.
Sent an email, don?t know how much good it will do anyway.
That's why she hasn't came out yet. LolI've emailed HT once, about revising the Alita sculpt. I didn't even get an automated reply back, so who knows if anyone read it.
The black suit is in the Snyder Cut.
The black suit is in the Snyder Cut.