Hot Toys logo changing colour and getting slimey...why?

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I think the idea of the green fuzzy screens is like in mars attacks where they make everybodys tv shutdown and go fuzzy then straight to their signal.

was thinking the same thing. that or a very close up shot of their armor cause its got those vertical lines going on it. but i think your TV theory makes more sense
:lol They will probably turn out nice figures if it is mars attacks but I'm 99% sure I wont be buying anything from this line.
I can pretty much confirm its mars attacks...

If you look at this from the hot toys main page.

It reads donut world if you look carefully.

The a screen grab from mars attacks. The place is named Donut world where the main guy works.

This as well as all the different coloured skeletons I think pretty much makes it obvious.

WTF!! why!!!..last time i found this movie, it was in a bargain bin for $4...while they are pumping out Batman stuff..we need Keaton Batman!! or a DX T2 Arnold with two headsculpts, clean and final battle version with light up eye, maybe interchangable left arm and busted out knee with two sets of biker clothes, one damaged and one clean.
:lol sorry for revealing the dissapointment. :lol
I know what you mean though... wheres are original terminators , alien , 89 batman and so on..

I'm patient enough to wait.
I can pretty much confirm its mars attacks...

If you look at this from the hot toys main page.

It reads donut world if you look carefully.

The a screen grab from mars attacks. The place is named Donut world where the main guy works.

This as well as all the different coloured skeletons I think pretty much makes it obvious.

Nice one. That's got to be it. The green skeleton probably has a huge cranium too.
Huh. Not really that interested in the martians although the film had a really chock filled cast: Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Pierce Brosnan, Danny DeVito, Michael J. Fox, Natalie Portman ... if they do some of the human cast it'd be great kitbashing material, not to mention if they did do Fox I'd be over the moon at a licensed piece after all this time.
The only option for ANYTHING cool about this, is if they make some of the human characters. Nicholson, Fox?

^^^^ regardless, this is just beyond useless imo.

YESSS I TOLD YOU I can't wait to see this THIS IS AWESOME

"Dont run We are your friends!" :rotfl
Meh, they give us enough cool stuff as is. If they want to do odd choices now and then, I could care less. Did anyone forget about Godfather? DX Batman yesterday?
You guys ithink this image is one of those 3d m'magic eye' images and if you cross your eyes it looks like a skeleton holding a shotgun

I will love these, but if they run $150 a figure, I'm not sure I can afford all of them, not with everything else HT is coming out with.

One of my favorite movies! :rock
I wonnder if the heads of the Martians will be rubber or plastic? Maybe they will have moving eyes and the mouth can open like the Endos. THink they will use a True Type body or a custom? Cause the Martians were all shorter than humans, maybe they'll use the slim cause its a shorter body. The space suits will probably be made out of rubber like Kane and Dallas. This is a great choice for Hot TOys they can really play around with this.

Maybe new figures will be on display at Comic-con? :chew
the donut stuff is for the IM2 (looks like a "mk 3.5" based on movie stills) suit. the other stuff is definitely mars attacks

crap i just noticed the donut world in mars attacks, screw what i said about IM.
we'll see him too though.
I'm sure this won't include any of the humans - but the Martians are pretty cool designs. I'm wondering if 8 different windows mean that they're doing that many figures though? It would seem like 3 would be the most you milk out of this license.