Hot Toys logo changing colour and getting slimey...why?

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Green Lantern?

Or Green Hornet - to show Enterbay how it's done :)

I had this guy, still do somewhere..his hand extended out on a string and retracted back when you pushed his legs together.
OT: That's a great piece - still looks very mint. It blends perfectly with the Kenner Super Powers line.
Whats up with the titles under the green boxes?

: "Boom!! What can you see?, The Goodfather, Donut Man Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!, We like Donut, Bonemen, I Kill You Later"

I can pretty much confirm its mars attacks...

If you look at this from the hot toys main page.

It reads donut world if you look carefully.

The a screen grab from mars attacks. The place is named Donut world where the main guy works.

This as well as all the different coloured skeletons I think pretty much makes it obvious.
I think the idea of the green fuzzy screens is like in mars attacks where they make everybodys tv shutdown and go fuzzy then straight to their signal.