Hot Toys logo changing colour and getting slimey...why?

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Mars Attacks huh? :monkey4 oh well if that what they want to do.......
I'll tell you what it is, a big, giant turd.

What the hell? Figures from a movie that was made in 1996? It's not exactly on the top 10 most popular movies list. What a bizarre and uninteresting choice for a license to make figures from. What made them want to make these after all these years?

Were people even asking for these things? Honestly. I hope they choke on the figures and learn a lesson about digging up old movies that nobody but the handful of followers would buy from.

Yeah, and they might even waste our time making figures from ALIEN, that was like 1979. And SS keep bringing out those Star Wars figures from a 1977 movie, I mean who'd be interested in that, and as for cult movies, why bother making an Edward Scissorhands figure or someting weird like Mr Bean!

People like different things... why is that strange to you?
Yeah, and they might even waste our time making figures from ALIEN, that was like 1979. And SS keep bringing out those Star Wars figures from a 1977 movie, I mean who'd be interested in that, and as for cult movies, why bother making an Edward Scissorhands figure or someting weird like Mr Bean!

People like different things... why is that strange to you?

That's a fair point. I did not know that Mars attacks was that popular?
If its Mars Attack, I want an alien..Always loved their ridiculous design...:rock

The green image could be hint at when the martian first comes on TV... just a guess really.
Ahhhhh thats it, Mars Attacks! I knew i had seen that writing somewhere, not even a big fan, or have even seen the movie, but i knew it was from that lol.
I thought the movie was Hilarious, never wanted figures from it tho. But hell if they can make a screen accurate Martian with all the detail in his face and the PERS eyes , that would really stand out and make a hell of a display piece.

My only problem is I want them to be in scale to other figures, and i think Hot Toys is going for 12 inches which would make them out of scale. They should be shorter.

Man the movie I really want figures from is '300' Hot Toys could make them really easily with the new muscle body and give them a long red wired cape , sword and shield and just sell them. They could make:

4 Spartans
2 Immortals
1 Arcadian
That monster dude
And then Xerxes

Awesome collection :monkey2 And then I want the Matrix and then I want James Bond and then, and then,
I'll tell you what it is, a big, giant turd.

What the hell? Figures from a movie that was made in 1996? It's not exactly on the top 10 most popular movies list. What a bizarre and uninteresting choice for a license to make figures from. What made them want to make these after all these years?

Were people even asking for these things? Honestly. I hope they choke on the figures and learn a lesson about digging up old movies that nobody but the handful of followers would buy from.

I'm not at all a follower or real fan of the movie, in fact I've been rather open in my hate for most things Burton, but the designs of the martians are awesome and they should look killer on a shelf next to some of the more obscure figures like Buck Rogers or Dave Bowman. I'm (obviously) looking forward to seeing what they come up with.

Why get angry?, its not like they could have gotten Ghostbusters instead and said ^^^^ it lets get Mars Attacks to piss people off, they likely had a good oppurtunity to pick up this license, and figured they could make a cool figure.

Like was pointed out, they did really well with Edward Scissorhands so it's not really the most ridiculous thing in the world. And its not like their haulting production of The Dark Knight figures or dropping the Wolverine license to do it....
Mars Attacks,damn that`s lame,i really got my hopes up for Ghostbusters or TMNT:lol
What an Odd choice if it is really true. The Movie is good but I don´t want high end collectibles from it. Thats an easy pass ...

Maybe HT got the licence very cheap. I still hope to get Underworld figs from HT one day.
Maybe they are just bored over there in Hong Kong. Maybe they are sitting behind the screen laughing at us.