Hot Toys logo changing colour and getting slimey...why?

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I'm sure this won't include any of the humans - but the Martians are pretty cool designs. I'm wondering if 8 different windows mean that they're doing that many figures though? It would seem like 3 would be the most you milk out of this license.

Yea, I think the same, Martian Soldier, Ambassador, and Leader, basically just caped variations.
So just catching up, but Mars Attacks? Seriously? Why?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Hot Toys is diversifying yet again! Thank goodness there are some new, obscure licenses to dilute the pool of Dark Knight stuff as well as other superheroes.

Someone at Hot Toys HQ must be a big fan of Mars Attacks. Maybe it's JC Hong? Yulli?
That's totally awesome! I will be saving a ton as I am absolutely uninterested in this license!!!:chew:chew

But, if they are going to do this comatose license, then maybe one day they (or Enterbay) will do some updated Universal Monsters figs!!
Okay... It's pretty early over here and I'm just awake so my judgement might still be a bit clouded, but I see a human face in this one:


I've made a very quick and crude modification showing it, it's also in the attachment.


So... could be a Natalie Portman figure (yes please! :)) or that long hair kid who's driving around his grandma...

Or it could be something entirely different... :dunno :D

Overall... I don't think I'll be collecting Mars Attacks figures...
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Played with it in Photoshop (Filter > Noise > Median)...



It's like looking at an ultrasound image. But the left side does appear to be a face.

Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno?
I can pretty much confirm its mars attacks...

If you look at this from the hot toys main page.

It reads donut world if you look carefully.

The a screen grab from mars attacks. The place is named Donut world where the main guy works.

This as well as all the different coloured skeletons I think pretty much makes it obvious.

Looks pretty convincing to me!
If you stare at it long enough (magic eye style) it does look a bit like a Martian brain, with the two central round bits being the eyes... or is that just me!
I can see something quite clearly if I de-focus my eyes. But I'm using my wifes laptop so I don't have any PS access to outline what I'm seeing!
I'll tell you what it is, a big, giant turd.

What the hell? Figures from a movie that was made in 1996? It's not exactly on the top 10 most popular movies list. What a bizarre and uninteresting choice for a license to make figures from. What made them want to make these after all these years?

Were people even asking for these things? Honestly. I hope they choke on the figures and learn a lesson about digging up old movies that nobody but the handful of followers would buy from.
Whats with all the skeletons ? and the tongue saying arrrrrrrr! ?
I thought it might be a battle damaged Predator 1, you know green blood, boom, skeletons.
Very disappointing if it's Mars attacks. That movie was very average