Hot Toys logo changing colour and getting slimey...why?

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Maybe this license is huge in Asia, or else the license was practically handed to them for nothing. Don't know why it is being so hyped up on their website.
Haha, what?

I would never have guessd Hot Toys would go after this licence. Such a strange choice!
For all non-believers, When the Martians shoot someone they turn into a red skeleton:


And Hot Toys front page :

This combined with the donut makes it obvious. Although the skeleton could also be related to Spider-man when the Green goblin killed someone with the pumpkin bomb they became a red skeleton as well :monkey5
So they are doing Mars Attacks, that's quite original and fun actually. I might buy a martian. I hope they will do more Burton licenses so they eventually will do Batman.
For all non-believers, When the Martians shoot someone they turn into a red skeleton:


And Hot Toys front page :

This combined with the donut makes it obvious. Although the skeleton could also be related to Spider-man when the Green goblin killed someone with the pumpkin bomb they became a red skeleton as well :monkey5

Yep no reason to speculate anymore,it`s official,it`s Mars Attacks!

No Turtles:monkey2
Seeing as they are aliens trying to take over the world, HT are letting them take over the site, as Snake Eater said? I'd LOVE to see what HT can do with Nicholson & Brosnan!