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Your body rebounds extremely fast after fasting like he did for machinist. A lot of that weight was glycogen stores in his muscles and water retention from adding electrolytes back into his diet. It isn't anything like adding 80 lbs to someone who is at their natural weight.


Also, a good portion of the new suit in Man of Steel is sculpted muscles. Cavill isn't actually as big as the suit makes him look. Similar to how they did with Routh's shoulders and pretty much everything on Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man suit, just on a larger scale because he's, you know, Superman.

Also, a good portion of the new suit in Man of Steel is sculpted muscles. Cavill isn't actually as big as the suit makes him look. Similar to how they did with Routh's shoulders and pretty much everything on Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man suit, just on a larger scale because he's, you know, Superman.

I always laugh at the notion Superman should have gigantic muscles(I like the aesthetic of course, who doesn't?). If he's super powerful because of his kryptonian heritage(Due to the gigantic gravity of krypton), shouldn't he be really skinny here?(Like, NOTHING will task him, so there should be no need for his muscles to grow larger through excercise...).
Well yeah, that's the logical way to look at it. Superman's just always thought of as being a huge guy, is what I meant.

I wasn't trying to contradict you.
It's just an observation of mine I was only reminded of because of your post.
The most knock-kneed, skinny, spot-covered kryptonian would be super powered on earth.
I wasn't trying to contradict you.
It's just an observation of mine I was only reminded of because of your post.
The most knock-kneed, skinny, spot-covered kryptonian would be super powered on earth.

Just as I'm sure there could be many 'kick-ass' women out there who are totally ugly in the face but you'll never see such a thing depicted in a film that isn't a comedy.
I concede to what is your expertise and clearly years of experience.

If that is sarcasm, I am willing to bet my expertise and experience far outshines your own in all things weight training. There is nothing in his physique that suggests it is unatainable naturally with decent genetics. Nevermind thst his suit is clearly enhancing his shoulders and arms. I am pretty sick of people pointing the finger claiming anabolics...
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Superman does not need huge muscles he is a Superman not the Incredible Hulk. If you look at the early comics and of course Christopher Reeve, Superman looks better with a large believable physique not a overly muscled body.I still hate the overly long cape though.It could be worse remember Nicholas Cage was almost Superman.
I guess it's just me, but I think he at least needs to look as physically intimidating,physique-wise, as Batman if they're gonna try to build a DC movie-verse. I don't need a Hulk-like body, but just someone who at least looks he belongs there, leading the Justice League, without getting into the whole "different species=different DNA" argument of trying to justify why a twig is leading the group.
I'm still not sure that the figure would look Cavill-ish, body-wise. HT is so *****kin' lazy they can't be bothered to taylor a custom body for him. Though I'm certain that HT'd be able to make costume look awesome.

But do you guys/gals like CR Superman's wired cape? Personally, I hate it. I mean, for flight poses, it may look good, but with the figure standing up by itself, the cape looks crumpled.
Nah, this is going to be a blockbuster, we'll get specs and pics either a few weeks in advance of, on the day of, or a few weeks after the movie hits , depending on if there aren't any hang ups in constructing the suit. That means that we'll probably see a figure by next winter.
I'm still not sure that the figure would look Cavill-ish, body-wise. HT is so *****kin' lazy they can't be bothered to taylor a custom body for him. Though I'm certain that HT'd be able to make costume look awesome.

But do you guys/gals like CR Superman's wired cape? Personally, I hate it. I mean, for flight poses, it may look good, but with the figure standing up by itself, the cape looks crumpled.

I love the wired cape. It makes even static poses dynamic by creating the illusion of wind blowing. :)
But do you guys/gals like CR Superman's wired cape? Personally, I hate it. I mean, for flight poses, it may look good, but with the figure standing up by itself, the cape looks crumpled.

LOVE IT. Even for a static pose, it works. Search through the pics in the HT CR Supes thread, there was a collector who took the time to bend the wire juuuuuust so and got it to recreate the drape of the CR Supes cape perfectly. Can't remember who? Man, did it look good, though! It's all in the futzing! :lecture
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