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Personally, I'm not too keen on the New 52 Superman's costume due to the collar, making the whole costume look way too formal. As if he's going to a ball or something.


Maybe it'll grow on me once I've actually read the comics.

I love BB's costume and it might work in comics, but the costume's too restrictive and gave Bale headaches and stuff. Or maybe I read you wrong and you expect the movies to have this design instead?


Which I believe it to be a brilliant design for the upcoming batman movies. Simplistic design and it uses the same design as TDKR which is especially true for the cowl, which is more of a helmet.

Yeah, when I said Begins, I was referring to the costume being replaced in another film. I like it a lot, but I'm actually a fan of the collar, but I do think that it depends on the artist, and, in that case, they would need to find a bit of a middle ground (I.e. I don't care for it in the Hamner pic, but I love it in the Jim Lee pic that was posted earlier), and the New 52 Batman costume seems like it was made to be put on film.
i'm definitely old school ~ having a hard time dealing with the missing red panties. if the idea was to not draw attention to superman's junk, it ain't working ~ now i can't stop staring at that big blue blank space.

: o p

on the other hand. i kinda like the collar.
Spoiler Spoiler:

I'm sure someone can give you more specifics but that's what it pretty much is, IIRC

It's Brainiac.
i'm definitely old school ~ having a hard time dealing with the missing red panties. if the idea was to not draw attention to superman's junk, it ain't working ~ now i can't stop staring at that big blue blank space.

Well that's something you need to address within yourself of course.
We won't judge you if you want to stare at a comic book character's crotch.
But for the rest of us, the pantless design looks just as cool as the other designs over the years.
I do really like the new suit but I think it needed the S logo on the cape. I just think it looks weird without it. I also really love the new 52 design, including the collar, and love the way the sleeves come down over his wrists. That said I'm also a big fan of the classic costume too, I loved the earth one interpretation of it. I think there's room for different versions just like with all the changes made to batmans costume over the years.
I'm not big on the collar, but the MoS costume doesn't have it, so all is right with the world.

I passed on Reeve, but I don't intend to miss this. Hoping for it to be in close scale to my Takara Batman.
I think the only improvement that could possibly be made to the MOS suit would be to maybe give him a proper belt. Preferably red with a little bit of yellow. Although, it's possible it might not even look good if they tried it, but it might be an improvement. Even if they don't, I think the new suit is great as is. I think the lines that go up his ribs and waist and down his legs are a good substitute for the trunks to sort of break the suit up and add a little detail.

As for the New 52 suit, I think it's fine for the comics, but it's not something I'd want to see in a live action film.
The new costume is growing on me. I just wish they would have included a new belt like in the 52 comic. Looks a little too plain in the midsection.
I'm not big on the collar, but the MoS costume doesn't have it, so all is right with the world.


I passed on Reeve, but I don't intend to miss this. Hoping for it to be in close scale to my Takara Batman.

I did get CR Superman because his is the most iconic Superman even to this day. A tribute to the red undies as well, in retrospect. Can't imagine Routh being even mentioned in postivie light when people compare MoS to previous Superman films.
The new costume is growing on me. I just wish they would have included a new belt like in the 52 comic. Looks a little too plain in the midsection.

Whats the point of a belt on a skin tight outfit?

Hell, I alway thought it was stupid for the belt to hold up his granny panties. Get some bikini cut, cheeky or thong panties already, if you want to wear panties. Update your look. Enough with the "that time of the month" panties and belt.
Can't imagine Routh being even mentioned in postivie light when people compare MoS to previous Superman films.

Well, to be fair, we got to see a lot more of Superman doing things in the Routh movie than we got to see in the Reeve ones.
I'm not saying they weren't groundbreaking for their day, but when Reeve was seen in front of a rear projection screen, it looked a bit hokey. I can suspend my disbelief, but there was a grander scope in a lot of the action scenes in Superman Returns. The scene of him trying to save the airliner alone was something they could never have done in the old days.
Just my opinion.
As long as we see similar leaps in imagination from Snyder, i will be happy.
But it won't make me like Superman Returns less if Man Of Steel is great.
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