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Well, to be fair, we got to see a lot more of Superman doing things in the Routh movie than we got to see in the Reeve ones.
I'm not saying they weren't groundbreaking for their day, but when Reeve was seen in front of a rear projection screen, it looked a bit hokey. I can suspend my disbelief, but there was a grander scope in a lot of the action scenes in Superman Returns. The scene of him trying to save the airliner alone was something they could never have done in the old days.
Just my opinion.
As long as we see similar leaps in imagination from Snyder, i will be happy.
But it won't make me like Superman Returns less if Man Of Steel is great.

True, but I was basing that on the looks more than anything.

As movies go, you're right, Returns has the most spectacular action scenes in any Superman films though when I watched Superman for the very first time in cinema (it was Superman IV at a drive-in, back then), it was very very believable! Mainly because the projector wasn't as good at the time and made the projection screen shots you mentioned looked somewhat seamless. The only thing I hate about Superman Returns is actually Routh's acting. It felt like watching the Bold and the Beautiful or Dallas whenever he's on screen. That's probably just me. Spacey was spectacular as Luthor though.
I'm excited for the movie but I do think he will naked, I thought Spiderman did look naked and I didn't like the new costume. Everything else about the suit looks good and I don't care about the symbol on the back. I never really noticed it before anyway. It's almost gimmicky to me
The only thing I hate about Superman Returns is actually Routh's acting. It felt like watching the Bold and the Beautiful or Dallas whenever he's on screen. That's probably just me. Spacey was spectacular as Luthor though.

Really?? I thought everyone did great except for Lois. She was the one who couldn't act IMO. Then tackle on the the kid that's what made the movie blah. Change the actress and take out the kid and it would've been much better. And while I love Spacey's Lex Luthor, I still hate the fact that he was nothing like the the Luthor in the comics besides the name and hate for supemran, and that goes for the Gane Hackman's Luthor as well.

I'm excited for the movie but I do think he will naked, I thought Spiderman did look naked and I didn't like the new costume. Everything else about the suit looks good and I don't care about the symbol on the back. I never really noticed it before anyway. It's almost gimmicky to me

Only way I would've liked the S shield on the back is if they did it black like in the New 52 or a not so yellow Gold, with no outline either. I love the new suit though. I love the classic, but for today's world, this suit looks great
Really?? I thought everyone did great except for Lois. She was the one who couldn't act IMO. Then tackle on the the kid that's what made the movie blah. Change the actress and take out the kid and it would've been much better. And while I love Spacey's Lex Luthor, I still hate the fact that he was nothing like the the Luthor in the comics besides the name and hate for supemran, and that goes for the Gane Hackman's Luthor as well.

It's not that she can't act, it's just that she was channeling Margot Kidder's Lois sans the gravelly voice for the movie. We shouldn't forget that Returns is set within Donner's Superman (right after Superman 2, if I remember it correctly) universe, which is why Bosworth can't expand on her Lois too much and Spacey is still in line with Hackman's Luthor.
That's the main reason that I didn't like it. It felt like a 2+ hour long homage to what had been done before, and some stuff just didn't work (I.E. Supeeperman, Jesus Christ Super(man) Star, and Kumar beating the **** out of the man of steel).
Only way I would've liked the S shield on the back is if they did it black like in the New 52 or a not so yellow Gold, with no outline either. I love the new suit though. I love the classic, but for today's world, this suit looks great

Plain's good though. The red cape itself is iconic by its own right.

That's the main reason that I didn't like it. It felt like a 2+ hour long homage to what had been done before, and some stuff just didn't work (I.E. Supeeperman, Jesus Christ Super(man) Star, and Kumar beating the **** out of the man of steel).

Fair enough though I have to give Singer credit for making Superman much more human in the Superman Returns movie. The Supe having a b*st*rd story angle is also brilliant mostly because I'm a big fan of Brando's monologue about the father-son relationship.
It's not that she can't act, it's just that she was channeling Margot Kidder's Lois sans the gravelly voice for the movie. We shouldn't forget that Returns is set within Donner's Superman (right after Superman 2, if I remember it correctly) universe, which is why Bosworth can't expand on her Lois too much and Spacey is still in line with Hackman's Luthor.
Yep I know it was supposed to be an expansion of the Donner films but I think Bosworth did worse than Kidder. If anything it really shows how bad she can act when she's about to go up the elevator to wait for Superman, bumps into Clark and yells "great!" Just terrible terrible acting on her part.

Really don't think Routh was bad at all. I remember when my dad and I watched it, he was like "wow he really sounds and kind of looks a lot like Reeve."
That's the main reason that I didn't like it. It felt like a 2+ hour long homage to what had been done before, and some stuff just didn't work (I.E. Supeeperman, Jesus Christ Super(man) Star, and Kumar beating the **** out of the man of steel).
I love Superman Returns and have watched it countless times but I agree with you in that I believe that this movie could've been much better if Singer wasnt trying to my a superman 2.5. If I remember correctly, Singer said he was trying to make a sequel to Superman 2 as if Superman 3 and 4 didn't exist
Plain's good though. The red cape itself is iconic by its own right.
Agreed! I was just saying my preference, if there was to be an S shield on the back
Well, to be fair, we got to see a lot more of Superman doing things in the Routh movie than we got to see in the Reeve ones.
I'm not saying they weren't groundbreaking for their day, but when Reeve was seen in front of a rear projection screen, it looked a bit hokey. I can suspend my disbelief, but there was a grander scope in a lot of the action scenes in Superman Returns. The scene of him trying to save the airliner alone was something they could never have done in the old days.
Just my opinion.
As long as we see similar leaps in imagination from Snyder, i will be happy.
But it won't make me like Superman Returns less if Man Of Steel is great.

I thought the action in SR was awful. Terrible, obvious cgi and all Superman did was catch and lift a bunch of things. I'm not someone who needs Superman to punch someone, but if all you're going to have Superman do in a film is catch and lift stuff then it better look damn cool and I don't think SR did that.
I thought the action in SR was awful. Terrible, obvious cgi and all Superman did was catch and lift a bunch of things. I'm not someone who needs Superman to punch someone, but if all you're going to have Superman do in a film is catch and lift stuff then it better look damn cool and I don't think SR did that.

Yeah, like i said before, it was just my own opinion. I know it won't be shared by most.
I know a lot of the CG is obvious, but the intent was amazing(All i need from a Superman movie is to see Superman doing things he is capable of and normal people aren't. the more of that i see, the more happy i am).
Superman is a bit of a victim of his success, hence the need for Kryptonite to de-power him. What would really be a challenge to him?
Why would he ever need to punch anyone? His fist would go right through everyone. But we can see his heart break when Lois says to Richard that she never loved Superman. A man that could fly into the sun is nearly brought to tears when a woman he loves says out loud that she didn't love him.
That's why he's such a great character. Nearly limitless power and yet can still be hurt. A moral compass that can never be shaken.
I think the internal struggle of having those powers and spending all his time helping people out but still trying to live as a human is the greatest strength of the Superman tales. That's why i liked SR so much.
The Christopher Reeve Superman seldom seems like "Clark wearing a suit trying to fool everyone", and more like the Kryptonian Demi-god come down to save earth. It's for that reason i liked the cut scene of him talking to Jor-El in the fortress like a little boy, telling his father how much of a kick he got out of helping people. That's what i think we would all be like if we somehow got Superman's powers. Geeking out at how much fun we had.
But as i say, it's only my opinion, and i respect the opinion of others who didn't like it, especially when they can take the time to write down the reasons for their dislike.
I'll be honest, though, when I say that I almost stood up and clapped in the theater when lil' Supes went and threw a grand piano into the creepy clown dude.
Yep I know it was supposed to be an expansion of the Donner films but I think Bosworth did worse than Kidder. If anything it really shows how bad she can act when she's about to go up the elevator to wait for Superman, bumps into Clark and yells "great!" Just terrible terrible acting on her part.

Really don't think Routh was bad at all. I remember when my dad and I watched it, he was like "wow he really sounds and kind of looks a lot like Reeve."

Her acting is not that bad. Her acting ability can be seen in her subtlety. She doesn't go over the top and yet delivers the right emotion and you can tell that her Lois thinks all the time instead of being a damsel in distress like Kidder's. It's the change that she brought to her character due to Lois being a mom. That, I suppose, comes across as being lacking in acting skills, maybe? Plus, when you have Parker Posey, a seasoned and (honestly) more talented actress, in the same movie, it's no wonder that she can't shine through.

I suppose Rought wasn't as bad as I make him out to be, it's just the way he talked and how he enunciate the lines. Plus the way he moved didn't give the impression that he's a powerful person. His mannerism is more of a lanky geek ala Stephen Merchant than a superhero. Surprisingly enough, he went all Superman in Scott Pilgrim! Apart from him being a bully in that film, that is. His mannerism, speech pattern, charisma reflect that of Superman better in that movie. To be fair, anyone tasked to be a superhero following the footsteps of a legend would be hard-pressed to rise to the occassion...

I don't know what point I was trying to make anymore. Fingers keep typing and typing.

I thought the action in SR was awful. Terrible, obvious cgi and all Superman did was catch and lift a bunch of things. I'm not someone who needs Superman to punch someone, but if all you're going to have Superman do in a film is catch and lift stuff then it better look damn cool and I don't think SR did that.

I know what you mean! There are shots in which his CG counterpart doesn't look real enough especially the shot in which he is pushing up the nose of the plane at the stadium. Best CG done for the film is the rooftop scene with a bunch of robbers where he is shot right in the eye.
Her acting is not that bad. Her acting ability can be seen in her subtlety. She doesn't go over the top and yet delivers the right emotion and you can tell that her Lois thinks all the time instead of being a damsel in distress like Kidder's. It's the change that she brought to her character due to Lois being a mom. That, I suppose, comes across as being lacking in acting skills, maybe? Plus, when you have Parker Posey, a seasoned and (honestly) more talented actress, in the same movie, it's no wonder that she can't shine through.

I suppose Routh wasn't as bad as I make him out to be, it's just the way he talked and how he enunciate the lines. Plus the way he moved didn't give the impression that he's a powerful person. His mannerism is more of a lanky geek ala Stephen Merchant than a superhero. Surprisingly enough, he went all Superman in Scott Pilgrim! Apart from him being a bully in that film, that is. His mannerism, speech pattern, charisma reflect that of Superman better in that movie. To be fair, anyone tasked to be a superhero following the footsteps of a legend would be hard-pressed to rise to the occassion...

I don't know what point I was trying to make anymore. Fingers keep typing and typing.
we'll just have to agree to disagree on her and Routh's acting then :peace

I really think her and the child were the only parts (for me) that really ******** up the filmand everyone else was great, especially if you watch the "extended edition" with the original opening and all/most the deleted scenes incorporated but to each there own for sure :):duff
Great post user. I love SR. I don't know what all the hate is about. The only reason I still even like the reeve superman movies is because I grew up with them. Nostalgia has blinded me. Everything about those movies is terrible except for reeve and John Williams score. If it came out today and you compared it with SR we would be bashing the crap out of it because of the campiness and the terrible acting from everyone

Sorry but just because something came out a long time ago doesn't make it great.

I've always liked the SR costume much better than SM. much cooler looking and it almost had that period feel but in a modern time.

I think the only reason people think bosworths acting was bad is because of her body being too thin. I thought she was great. Sure I would like to have seen her with a bit more eye candy but that has nothing to do with acting or skill. Kidder was horrible and she was the ugliest Lois I've ever seen. I could never imagine reeve with her at all. And she was overly dumb. Getting into trouble by climbing on the bottom of the Eiffel Tower elevator? Not knowing how to spell things can be endearing but kidder was annoying with it. At least bosworths was pretty. She may not have had a great body but she was cute. Kidder? Eww.

Routh paid homage to reeve pretty well and that's the main reason i liked him but he also had a great quality all his own that surprised me.

I'm also not feeling the Jesus metaphor hate either. How can you not make the connection? Jorel sent his only son to earth to be its protector and savior. He has great compassion for humanity even though he is not one of us and acts more human than any of us and is willing to die for us. I like the connections because I'm also a Christian. Maybe that's old fashioned too.
And that wasn't even CG...
Only the bullet was fake. Even the handgun was made to recoil in slow motion.

That's not entirely true, they had to matchmove the whole camera as well as Routh's face anyhow so that they can get the specularity and highlight and overall lighting on the face and especially the eyes (to get the bullet's reflection on them) to match the muzzle flash from the gun using crude 3d approximation of the head as well as simple warping techniques, and those layers then were superimposed onto the footage (Routh's face). Other than that there are elements such as: the gunpowder particles, gun barrel's replacement to make it move and match the slow motion, the smoke, background, the aforementioned muzzle flash. So there's a bit more CG involved than just the bullet, to be fair. The Orphanage did it and I hope to one day be a part of that team.

I'm sick and tired of working on tv commercials.:monkey2
Great post user. I love SR. I don't know what all the hate is about. The only reason I still even like the reeve superman movies is because I grew up with them. Nostalgia has blinded me. Everything about those movies is terrible except for reeve and John Williams score. If it came out today and you compared it with SR we would be bashing the crap out of it because of the campiness and the terrible acting from everyone

Sorry but just because something came out a long time ago doesn't make it great.

I've always liked the SR costume much better than SM. much cooler looking and it almost had that period feel but in a modern time.

I think the only reason people think bosworths acting was bad is because of her body being too thin. I thought she was great. Sure I would like to have seen her with a bit more eye candy but that has nothing to do with acting or skill. Kidder was horrible and she was the ugliest Lois I've ever seen. I could never imagine reeve with her at all. And she was overly dumb. Getting into trouble by climbing on the bottom of the Eiffel Tower elevator? Not knowing how to spell things can be endearing but kidder was annoying with it. At least bosworths was pretty. She may not have had a great body but she was cute. Kidder? Eww.

Routh paid homage to reeve pretty well and that's the main reason i liked him but he also had a great quality all his own that surprised me.

I'm also not feeling the Jesus metaphor hate either. How can you not make the connection? Jorel sent his only son to earth to be its protector and savior. He has great compassion for humanity even though he is not one of us and acts more human than any of us and is willing to die for us. I like the connections because I'm also a Christian. Maybe that's old fashioned too.

I, too, am a Christian, but you answered your own question there. The connections are there, there's no doubt about that, but Singer treated it like they weren't, and, in turn, it seemed forced. From the Christ like appearances of Superman in front of the sun, to his sacrifice and resurrection, Singer just wasn't subtle with it, and he kind of messed with something that wasn't broken in the first place.
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