Hot Toys Man Of Steel Teaser

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Superman lost to Doomsday. And for all his strength, he still got beat down. I am agreeing saying he would win though. As bad*** as the World Breaker is(intelligence, unlimited strength, the ability to destroy planets) I just don't think he could win against the Big Blue Boyscout. I do think it would be a fight though. And Superman would definitely do more than flinch. He wins, but like I said he knows he was in a fight. As soon as he wakes up from his "healing coma".
Yeah, but Doomsday Superman is the post crisis Superman, already a weakened Supes. Pre crisis Supes would have chewed and spit Doomsday even on a bad day : lol

True, Pre-Crisis Supes is way overpowered. He is unbeatable except to other Kryptonians like Zod. Zod Pre-Crisis should have all of Superman's powers, plus military training. That fight might not go so well for Clark. And i remeber Darkseid laying the smackdown to him a few times. But Darkseid used to be a great deal stronger too.

I guess i don't think that Doomsday is even in Hulk's regular weight class. WB Hulk would pretty much destroy him. But that's me.

Back on topic, I cannot wait for a reveal of the MoS Superman fig.:hi5:
Ahhh, comic book continuity. It's like it was meant to be broken from the beginning!

So while we have a little Hulk vs Superman aside...

In my alternate Nerd World Order, Hulk is ultimately stronger but unable to match Supes on a couple of skillsets (speed/flight) including the far more critical trait: intelligence. The way he is generally portrayed, this aspect usually gets neglected. Supes can easily outwit or maneuver this guy anyway he wants to on a normal day. But if he gets caught on the jaw by Hulk, he's gonna taste some blood son!

Outside of my Nerd World Order, I suppose we can all go back to endless discussions about nigh limitless god powers that begin to resemble Dragonball Z in their meaningless application.

For me, Hulk is the embodiment of raw strength just like Flash is the embodiment of speed with Superman possessing more nuanced versions of these powers. In fact, Superman's powers suggest he'd be a natural surgeon. Even the "S" could be the Kryptonian version of the caduceus symbol.

If I were to reinvent him, I'd probably have Clark Kent be a medical doctor. He'd save waaaaay more lives on a routine basis!

:exactly: :lecture
This comes out a few weeks after IM3 right? Hot Toys needs to show us a full reveal soon then. We've already seen two reveals for IM3. Superman gets no respect.
I would think a reveal will be coming any time now. Maybe they're just waiting for the next trailer to hit to once again up the excitement level for the line.

I wonder who will get revealed first, though. We've seen a hint of what looks to be Jor-El in that pic of all the up-coming HT figures, but no sign of Superman yet.
If you had a whole six pack of beer and someone asked how many you had, would you say: "A few" or "a lot"?
Because a month and a half is only 6 weeks.
Only a FEW weeks in my book, lol.

well we carry different books then :lol If asked, I'd say I had a pack of beers not a few beers. A few to me is 2-3 weeks. once you get past that it turns into a month+ or in this case of IM3-MoS, right about a month and a half
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well we carry different books then :lol a few to me is 2-3 weeks. once you get past that it turns into a month+ or in this case of IM3-MoS, right about a month and a half

It's splitting hairs to be sure.
I don't know about you, but this is going to be a great movie year for me.
Man Of Steel, Iron Man 3, After Earth, Riddick, World War Z, Wolverine, Kick *** 2, Enders Game, The Hobbit: The desolation of Smaug, Odd Thomas, Oblivion, Star Trek: Into Darkness, This Is The End, Machete Kills, to name only a few off the top of my head that i am VERY much looking forward to.
It's splitting hairs to be sure.
I don't know about you, but this is going to be a great movie year for me.
Man Of Steel, Iron Man 3, After Earth, Riddick, World War Z, Wolverine, Kick *** 2, Enders Game, The Hobbit: The desolation of Smaug, Odd Thomas, Oblivion, Star Trek: Into Darkness, This Is The End, Machete Kills, to name only a few off the top of my head that i am VERY much looking forward to.
oh no doubt. I'm very excited just for for May
those are on my list as well except for This Is the End and After Earth
I hope they do a good job sculpting Henry Cavill. I don't want a figure that sort of looks like him. :lol
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Would be cool to maybe get two head sculpts. One that's a more neutral face and one where he looks like he's ready to kick some *** like the photo below. Although, even better then that would be if HT included a Clark Kent figure as well. If they can do it with Bespin Luke, why not Superman/Clark Kent?
They've already done a 2 in 1 Superman so it wouldn't be totally out of the realm of possibility. Personally I'd rather just have Superman and pay a good bit less.
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