Hot Toys Man Of Steel Teaser

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While Marvel keeps churning visual teasers, Warner?DC gives us this. I think it's as effective. I never played a teaser so much on repeat, while working. Can't wait to see this movie :)
give me a jor-el crowe figure HT!

Hot Toys, please, less time spent on making twenty more Iron Man suits that will just see only a few seconds of screen time and more on getting this figure done. Not to mention Arkham Batman, Robocop, Anakin Skywalker and Batman 66.
Zod > Jor El

They've already made a Jor El, but no Zod :lecture

Hot Toys, please, less time spent on making twenty more Iron Man suits that will just see only a few seconds of screen time and more on getting this figure done. Not to mention X-MEN FIRST CLASS, Arkham Batman, Robocop, Anakin Skywalker, Prometheus, Cannibal Jack Sparrow and Batman 66.

That was really cool. I think that just sold me on a Zod figure
Yeah, I think that trailer just put Zod on my radar for figures. I am so stoked for this movie it is not even funny.:hi5::hi5::panic:
Agreed. Michael Shannon's really about perfect for a villain. Love his voice in that teaser (just happy it's 'Michael Shannon' and not an affected-villain voice). Was trying to talk myself out of these two figures, as I am not at all a Superman fan, but I really like the direction this movie is going. More hyped for this than any Marvel movie on the horizon and my comic collecting back in the day was 100% Marvel.
Zod > Jor El

They've already made a Jor El, but no Zod :lecture

True but Jor El was made under the Superman Returns License. I mean I guess since Zod is at the beginning of Superman The movie, HT could've gotten away with it but once Reeve finally hit after that extremely long delay, it felt like a one and done thing. I honestly have no idea where I was going with this :lol :slap

Anywhoo, I don't care, I'll buy them all, no question about it :yess:
Do you think HT will make Two head sculpt for Superman. One with normal head and second angry with laser eyes.
Do you think HT will make Two head sculpt for Superman. One with normal head and second angry with laser eyes.

I have always loved this look for an angry Superman. It amazes me that DC Direct/Collectibles, Matel, or anyone else has never used it as a toy sculpt. I hope we get that in the movies. An enraged Superman with the glowing red eyes. C'mon HT:impatient::impatient::impatient:
Seriously I'm so anxious to see how this turns out. Will determine if I finally stray from just Bats figures and start expanding the shelf.
Wish they would announce the figure already.


I'm excited to see this figure as well. I'd love to dedicate a detolf shelf showcasing the Supermen and Batmen of past and present :)

I hope HT would find a good material for the suit. At the moment I'm guessing that they'd use something similar to Black Widow's, and I hope they figure out how the embossed S shield would stay long without peeling.
I'm excited to see this figure as well. I'd love to dedicated a detolf shelf showcasing the Supermen and Batmen of past and present :)

I hope HT would find a good material for the suit. At the moment I'm guessing that they'd use something similar to Black Widow's, and I hope they figure out how the embossed S shield would stay long without peeling.

I was thinking something more along the lines of their Spider-man suits.
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