Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread--PREORDER NOW ON PAGE ONE!!

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Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

Ah ok , thanks. Thats not something I recall. I can understand why he could then.
It just seemed strange to me when Dave said that because hes arguably ( well for me he is ) the best actor in the movie.
I'll have to run to Blockbuster tommorow across the road to see if I can pick it up cheap.

Just got mine in from Amazon yesterday. I'm not sure if I've ever watched it before. Could be my new favorite movie:D

Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

This is the movie I was thinking of when I thought of Mars Attacks. It's called "Spaced Invaders." The aliens come on halloween and people think they are kids in costumes:lol. Maybe HT will do these next.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

Yes I LOVED that movie. I remember I had it on VHS when i was a kid and i played it so many times it stopped working. And that kid in the duck suit so funny :lol
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

While no original I enjoyed the POTA Burton remake and would buy this guy without batting an eye.


I would too, Michael Clarke Duncan's character also. I don't understand the people that ^^^^^ about licenses they don't like, I don't like all of HT licenses, but if they make someone happy, more power to them. I'm looking forward to these aliens.
Dug up our old DVD today, and the wife and I watched it for the first time in 5 or 6 years. Still fun, still funny.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

oh man spaced invaders that takes me back, i used to love that bad guy robot who looked kinda like the probe droids from star wars.

and Devil, bravo on the photo manips, you keep making these HT figures (giger alien, now mars attacks) look much better, if things work out i may have to buy you a cake or something.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

Ah ok , thanks. Thats not something I recall. I can understand why he could then.
It just seemed strange to me when Dave said that because hes arguably ( well for me he is ) the best actor in the movie.
I'll have to run to Blockbuster tommorow across the road to see if I can pick it up cheap.

Everyone else was playing camp, but Nicholson was more out there than the Joker. It just was just really, really annoying and not in tone with the rest of the film.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

These don't look too bad. My sister loves this movie and I may buy one and give it to her.

The only part I really like about the movie is the Grandma and her music. "That's my Muffy!"
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

I would really like a Martian Girl with two removable heads of the actress Lisa Marie and the Martian.

Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

I asked a couple of Q's, this was the HT answers-

1- Will the eye's and mouth be poseable?


2- Do they have a newly developed body?


Not a lot to go on, but it's a start!
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

Everyone else was playing camp, but Nicholson was more out there than the Joker. It just was just really, really annoying and not in tone with the rest of the film.

I thought he wasn't bad to be fair, it's a very silly film and he plays very silly roles, quite fitting imo. His president charactor was rather good i thought.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

TBA sounds promising... much better than "hell no!" :lol

Again, great mods Devil... definitely improves the look. I was thinking that part of the smaller head was due to having to fit the bubble over top of their noggin, but if its a 2-piece (which seems to be the case) the head could/should be bigger.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

I asked a couple of Q's, this was the HT answers-

1- Will the eye's and mouth be poseable?


2- Do they have a newly developed body?


Not a lot to go on, but it's a start!

Maybe you can ask them to make the eyes bigger.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

I agree with the abouse.. head and eyes need to be bigger.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

if you follow that temple line up around the forehead, you can see what I believe to be a line that makes the face and top jaw removable. Take a look at this and see if you can see what I see, maybe it's just my eyes playing tricks but it looks like the same thing is present in ambassador. Wish the eyes were bigger, but i didn't notice till it was pointed it's just kind of glaring. i'll pick them up regardless though, it'd just be nice if they could fix it.


I asked a couple of Q's, this was the HT answers-

1- Will the eye's and mouth be poseable?


2- Do they have a newly developed body?


Not a lot to go on, but it's a start!

I think the eyes are posable, but maybe that seam is just my imagination playing wishful thinking tricks on me. no one commented on that pic yet so what does y'alls thinks?
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

well there has to be a seam just by how the head is made... so that's probably it. doesnt mean it opens for access to the eyes though. (maybe for when they make it... but as we all know eyes can be glued in place)

here's hoping for poseable eyes though.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

I think the eyes are posable, but maybe that seam is just my imagination playing wishful thinking tricks on me. no one commented on that pic yet so what does y'alls thinks?

Well seeing as you were quoting MY find :lol, you know what I think. The back has to be removable; if it isn't, there's no reason for there to be a gap there!

When you say "there has to be a seam just by how the head is made", Darren, what exactly do you mean? When the head was made, there is no need for it to be 2 pieces, unless it IS for PERS. If there's no PERS, the rest of the face would seamlessly merge with the brain, like on the forehead.
Re: Hot Toys Mars Attacks! Thread

He means due to production...
This is a very complex head, that might need to be 2 piece, regardless of the features...
like the Pred's heads.

Still don't see why there needs to be a gap there if they haven't put anything inside.......but hopefully we'll all find out soon! (Maybe during Comic Con? :naughty)