Though best likeness is possible, no post-plastic surgery/skin whitening MJ is gonna beat a figure from the Thriller era.I hope their Smooth Criminal version will be their best yet, it MUST BE!!!!
Though best likeness is possible, no post-plastic surgery/skin whitening MJ is gonna beat a figure from the Thriller era.I hope their Smooth Criminal version will be their best yet, it MUST BE!!!!
Though best likeness is possible, no post-plastic surgery/skin whitening MJ is gonna beat a figure from the Thriller era.
How come you forgot 'Vitiligo-skin disease' in your reply? What is it with people who keep insisting he made his own skin white. His very own word at Oprah was apparently not enough, how about the ******* autopsy result that clearly stated he suffered from vitiligo.
There's even a special part about Mike there. And by the looks of it, his son apparently suffers from it too. It baffles me how some people still deny this fact...i don't know why they are so persistant. Dude was a proud black african-american, his lyrics,videos and more certainly showed that.
Well technically he did make his own skin white. It has been proven that he indeed suffered from Vitiligo but also that he used skin whiteners to even out the blotches. Vitiligo doesn't make you go white, rather creates blotches of uneven skin pigmentation. MJ decided to go white rather than black. And bleached his skin. And obviously he chose to resculpt his nose to hide his natural features. He hated his african-american nose since he was a child, because of constant taunting. Don't think Im being negative here, I'm not. I'm a fan myself. But there isn't a black or white answer to his image in the later years.
No can argue that Michael didn't love the black race. He embraced it and reveled in it. He was so proud and endearing to all the great black artists who had played the Apollo.
Michael idolized artists like James Brown and Jackie Wilson, often emulating them. That doesn't sound like a man running from who he is. Michael loved black people and most certainly being black.
Not one of us personally knew Michael, but I don't feel it's too much to say that he was never ashamed of who he was as a person.
Perhaps he wasn't happy with his nose, but that doesn't mean he was resentful towards his race. When a person (of any color) gets plastic surgery, it is to enhance or compensate for something they feel insecure about. We all have insecurities, but just cause we try to change them to make ourselves happier does not necessarily mean we are running away from who we are or where we came from.
Now, let's get back on topic. Arguing with other MJ fans is not something I wish for. We are keepers of Michael's legacy, and we should be getting along.
Oh how i agree with that. Unfortunetely on MJJC (the forum) alot of arguiing happened between fans. Believers and non believers of three certain tracks on the new album. It's because of those three tracks and the lies that i decided to not buy the album. But the arguing wasnt any fun, alotta people actually resorted to namecalliing and worse.