Hot Toys MM129 -1/6 Scale :Terminator 2 - T-1000 (official spec + pics added)

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Well, to give credit it where it's due, that last photo I worked up was a hybrid of a photo I was tinkering with and one done by Wilson Chou of Facebook.

Wilson's image.


Everyone liked that, then I played with an original HT shot just adding volume to the hair on the sides of his head and smoothing the skin out.


The final shot is Wilson's face streteched back to the same length as the original figure head with my hair bulking and skin smoothing added to it.


I really think if anything needs be done to the sculpt, it's filling in the hair, changes the shape of hte head, makes the ears looks less out.
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Absolutly, Chou already did a great job, but you nailed the final part.
Chou did the likeness and you the form of the head and skin smoothness.
Combining the efforts is exactly that what HT´s great sculpt needed to reach perfection imo.
Hope they see this stuff...
I don't personally want to deal with commentary on the photo because I'm happy enough with the sculpt as is, I was tweaking in photoshop just to have more T2 fun, if someone wants to post the image, I really don't care, I don't even care about credit, I was playing, if it means something to people, by all means use it for your cause.
I think the reason his head and hair is slimmed down is so the helmet and sunglasses will fit his head properly, so im not so sure widening his face is a good idea. And I agree with Nam, never take away the skin texture, its taking away its realism.
Sorry MF, not digging the smoothed features. You just turned a HT sculpt into a Sideshow sculpt.

:lecture 100% agree!

Ironing out the facial details makes the sculpt look less real and more cartoonish... like a Sideshow sculpt.
I think the reason his head and hair is slimmed down is so the helmet and sunglasses will fit his head properly, so im not so sure widening his face is a good idea.

I would guess the helmet's the main factor if anything necessitated the hair being as it is, the glasses just needs a small slit over the ears that could be done without the whole side being tighter.
:lecture 100% agree!

Ironing out the facial details makes the sculpt look less real and more cartoonish... like a Sideshow sculpt.

Not exactly what I was implying but the texture of the skin is what separates the sculpts between the two companies and IMO is part of what you pay for when dropping the extra $30+ on a HT figure.
Take a look at these screen caps and you be the judge. I think there is still a large room for improvement and it would be worth Hot Toys to take a second try at the sculpt. I think the eyebrow furrows might be throwing things off a bit as you can see they are much less prominent in the movie.

I don't think anyone really pays attention to your overcritical posts anymore bud. :nana:

Besides, there are several different expressions in the pics you posted and HT's sculpt is a good mix of all of them.
The length of the head from top to bottom, looks to be just fine left unmodded.
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I don't think anyone really pays attention to your overcritical posts anymore bud. :nana:

Besides, there are several different expressions in the pics you posted and HT's sculpt is a good mix of all of them.

Whatever dude. There is a general consensus in this thread that there are problems with the likeness. IMO, it has more to do with the paint than the sculpt, but I was pointing out that the added furrows don't help it either. For me, the head to hand size ratio bothers me more than the promixity to 100% likeness.
Whatever dude. There is a general consensus in this thread that there are problems with the likeness. IMO, it has more to do with the paint than the sculpt, but I was pointing out that the added furrows don't help it either. For me, the head to hand size ratio bothers me more than the promixity to 100% likeness.

Granted, but you whine if there is a poor a billionth of a millimeter off center. That said, we always enjoy your high res screen caps so long as they don't bog down the page.
I think the angle of the jaw line , on the sculpt is too severe. It needs to tapper in at the chin just a little to look more natrual. Cause right now it looks like it was blatantly sculpted, if that makes sense. Like the lines are too precise.

Damn i wish Yulli sculpted this one. Hot Toys just made the wrong call. I understand time was probably a factor but, this character is too important
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sculpt, as is. This sculpt turned out (and its still just a prototype) alot better than Yulli's Sarah Connor.
Granted, but you whine if there is a poor a billionth of a millimeter off center. That said, we always enjoy your high res screen caps so long as they don't bog down the page.

If you can show us an example of that level of criticism, I will gladly fess up to it.

And for Sean, I downsized the pics before I uploaded them to 1024 pixels wide. Let me know if these are okay or I can make them smaller.