Super Freak
Damn dude, you got another?
Yeah, the price was too good to pass up I had to get it.
Damn dude, you got another?
@robbie, I'll keep it the same, I already packed it up and put it away. I like the one I modded better but I always felt guilty changing it around for some reason.
@Nick, I found the link to the store over at OSW last week, it was a new online store that everyone thought was fake and a scam because they were selling really hard to find HT figures for really cheap. I took the risk and got a Wolverine because I was able to pay with paypal so even if it was a scam I could just file a paypal claim. With the rebate I got and express shipping Wolvie cost me about $340 and I got him from China in about a week. I'm glad I took the risk cause I went back to see if I could pick up another one but his price has sky rocketed since I bought mine. Here's the link;
The store just called me to see if I recieved their package ok, if everything was in order and if I was happy with service, how freak'n cool is that?
Yeah the bag came with the figure, I was worried when I 1st bought it but then I started getting updated emails then a tracking #. I was shocked how fast it got to me, they sent it express mail which took 7 days, I know people still don't want to trust it but that's ok, it just means better deals for me in the future.