I like them all for different reasons, but I'm realistic enough to know that I'll never be able to own any one version of the ALIEN that encomapses everything that's seen in film. I have many versions, but nothing that will ever perfectly capture what's seen on screen - never. I'm cool with that because I have a good understanding about the techniques use to create what's seen on screen. Even if it is possible, you would still require a set of figures, not a single one.
Your post was very well worded and I totally see the angle you are taking on this, but the fact remains that they could have simply taken any
one shot in the film, and based the figure on that. Or if not, they could at least have paused the DVD or otherwise sourced hi res versions of these two stills (perhaps by getting an advance of the Blu Ray from Fox even!), and you know, actually counted and measured the teeth, mapped their proportions, digitally scanned it (Character Options do amazing digital sculpts for the Who range), whatever, and also got the chroming kit out!
Never mind the lighting, the slime etc, just get the actual
details and
proportions right.
Then they could have thought "Right then, what colour and shape is the inner mouth? I know, let's look at this scene":
And then sculpted it the right size, with the right detailing, and painted it off-white!
That would have ensured that at least the mouth was correct. And yes, there is a "correct" version, it's right there on the screen in glorious close up! You can't deny that, and for my sanity I hope you don't try.
If I was sculpting a version of the Alien, the above process is the absolute
least effort I would go to. I wouldn't just make it up as I went along, especially not at the price these things sell for!
And yeah, at this price I reckon they could have given us multiple heads to represent the different props, or an alternative one at least. Why not?
And yet, it's still a cool figure. That also cannot be denied. I'm glad you're enjoying it. For my part I'm enjoying the discussion, and so long as we keep it civil I don't see why the "haters" and "lovers" can't continue to bat their opinions to and fro. It is a discussion forum after all