Rex Tremendae Majestatis
Somebody was asking exactly what was wrong or inaccurate about the HT alien, so here's the list I put up a while back with the help of other keen observers.
Mind you, this is for the anal retentive, accuracy-nazi folks.
Or just for those who really love the Giger design.
Mind you, this is for the anal retentive, accuracy-nazi folks.
Or just for those who really love the Giger design.
I sent HT reference pics, including pics of other -accurate- collectibles over a year ago, foreseeing the fact that they would eventually make a figure of the iconic Giger creation.
Besides, this monster has been documented to death for years. It's not really obscure, the info is available everywhere on the net.
And HT knew that the fans were expecting an accurate rendition of the alien, because we (the vocal, accuracy nazi minority) have been telling them we want accurate aliens since they first previewed their Aliens figure years ago.
Since there's a lot of people asking just how it is inaccurate, here's the revised list I put up with the inaccuracies that can be seen from the pics posted here.
Hands: the sixth finger is wrong, it's actually a second thumb, not just another finger.
Arms: there is extra ribbing on the inside of the forearms which shouldn't be there.
Skull: the shape of the skull is wrong, it is way too "evil" looking and back slanting. It has to have a much more human look.
Dorsal Pipes: The fifth spike (upper center) looks wrong in shape. Also, the spines have the wrong of shape.
Mouth: the teeth are the wrong shape and there's too much lips. The actual lips were translucent, so failing that, I would prefer no lips, especially the upper lip. Also, there is an extra tube coming out of the lower jaw, check the reference pics.
Shoulders: after reviewing the pics, I do believe they look right, what do you guys think?
Torso: the ribs end too soon, they should go further back.
Neck: it looks wrong, too wide and some of the detailing looks invented, but I can't really tell from the pics.
Hips: again, there seem to be extra tubes/ribbing that weren't there (on second thought, maybe it's not wrong, would have to get a better view)
Legs: fantastically wrong! Again there's ribbing on the inside of the calves, and as SS pointed out, what's with the muscle? Also, the three "bars" on the back of the leg (towards the ankle) look to be the wrong shape.
Feet: can't see much, but it seems they're missing the oxen jaws.
Tail: can't really see the shape, but it should be very flat at the base, getting rounder as it goes to the tip. But I couldn't find any good reference pics, although both the Medicom and NECA figures have the tail in that configuration.