Mum's got something going on. The power of two...or something.
Not sure who you are faux quoting?"ruined" Anakin just because it hinted that he might not be the first "most special Force boy evah".
Agreed 100%Not sure who you are faux quoting?
Anakin was never the first or last.
Lucas never implied the Jedi were perfect, to the contrary he opened the door to show us why they weren't, SW is literally about their fall, their blind spot, what they were asking of their own to give absolutely selflessly, with nothing for themselves was meant to be near impossible.
So what made them potentailly unique, would also bring about their darkest fall from it.
Anakin came from nothing, "He gives without any thought of reward..." " He knows nothing of greed...". "He can help, .. he was meant to help" These traits were implicitly recognizable in him, yet was ultimately the Jedi's greatest failure.
The one guy who believed in him died, he killed the woman he was trying to protect, the guy who inherited his apprenticeship, his brother and friend, couldn't keep him from the path he chose, and was inevitably killed by him too, and he helped slaughter anyone who could one day challenge him.
Far from from being "most special Force boy evah", he was the embodiment of their failure.
Likely most hubbub was over the perceived forced insertion of identity politics messaging; that straight colonizing institution (= stupid men) were steeling and corrupting power and children from +woman. Implication being the Force was a corrupted and toxic reworking of the true greater power now revealed as : The Thread.Agreed 100%
I was referring the hubbub of outrage over the witches allegedly using the Force to "create life", much like Anakin's implied origins. There was serious anger over this somehow making Anakin less special,
I think it was more about re-imagining the Jedi as creepy, predatory, lurking, needy, manipulative, skittish, kill first asks questions later, what happened to "use the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." invading peoples homes, obsessed with kidnaping children, killing their mothers, and covering it up , that some had a problem with.somehow making Anakin less special, less "the chosen one" (which was a misunderstood prophecy anyway).