You havent realized yet, but you will be in the same boat soon. This is how it starts. Yet you are right. It is no big deal. It is just plastic. So just leave it as is. 
And it begins. Told. You. So.
Hey Not that I wanted it to happen but now you know it's not a result of improper care.
As the Comedian says himself...
"... just a matter of time I suppose".
My shirt just rotted right through on the shoulder strap.
I took off the harness and threw away the shirt.
I'm glad I'm on the list for replacement shirt.
almost a month and no more problem,hmmmm sucks to be me.
almost a month and no more problem,hmmmm sucks to be me.
Id like to say sorry for my past few comments here... Since then Ive really been screwed by Comedian... The whole top of his back is leaking now... I do believe you guys now... At least I admit it though... No since in me not in my book... Dont know what Ill do now... I cant believe my Comedian is the one to leak and not my DX Bats... Dont know...Sucks even more because he my fav Watchmen and it looks like Rorshach maybe happeing now...
I'm gonna be selling his figure, i've never noticed any oil problems, but i want to make sure so i'm not screwing a buyer, where should i be looking on the fig?
Look for oil/grease or a sheen on the suit. The most common areas are the back of the suit and the harness. Though, reports of the pants and the elbow pads have come in too.![]()
Thanks Nam, i checked everything i could without undressing it, no oil or melting as far as i can see
I'm gonna take some quick snaps to show and then box him up, i may post them in a bit to see your guys opinion, i'll probably eBay it tomorrow.
Might wanna see if you can get a Q-tip down the center of the back and shoulder blades to make sure it comes up dry. You'll get reamed if he winds up having an issue.