It sounds like the polystyrene of the packing tray is restriciting the offgassing of the elastomeric thermosets of the rubber material.
Thermosets will decompose at high temperatures as opposed to actually melting.
Yes -- this is definitely a glaring QC issue for Hot Toys, but I can't see anyone really expecting a free fix or replacement from them.
Non-silicone rubbers are always prone to decomposition.
If anything, this is a lesson to the MISB folks out there who
never take their collectibles out and let them breathe. The offgassing inside the box is apparently too much for the more fragile rubber components, thus another reason to unbox your figs and
enjoy them as intended. I feel genuinely sorry for folks who have futzed up figures through no active fault of their own, but I must admit there's a certain amount of irony in the use-it-or-lose-it reality of their situation . . .
Nice to see you found a new thread to troll though.
Keep dreaming fry guy.

If you took a sec to read instead of just pop in to troll you'd understand.
World according to this dude:
If you:
-are critical of anything I say you're trolling
-fail to completely validate everything I write, you're trolling
-deviate from board conformism, you're trolling
-fail to live on this board 24/7 and whorepost, you're trolling
-mock my sweaty-men-wrasslin' and toygun obsession, you're trolling
watta maroon!