Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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Yep, I live in the UK and I had stuff i'd ordered from them within 3 days. Superb seller.
Just got it today and it is Incredible! Definitely the BEST Hot toys figure to date. I love how you can see the blue shotgun shell in the chamber of his winchester 1887. Cant wait to see the other t-800's they have in store for us!:D
Just got a tracking number from Alter Ego and my replacement T-800 will be here on Thursday :rock

That's some great customer service :duff
Nice one Galactiboy

I've nothin' to mull over now really, i'm looking forward to SDCC, hopefully there will be new announcements so I can get back to obsessing over something again.

Few licences from different companies that i'm looking forward to like splintercell and Assassins Creed 2. Hope they are shown at SDCC.
Thanks for the feedback! does anyone know the name of the grenade launcher that t-800 used in T2, where can you get one for the figure. also where can you get the shell vest as well:wave
Hi Guys, seems like I've been waiting on this release forever. It finally came today from onesixthbruce and the left arm is broken at the shoulder :( But more worrying, on looking at the mechanism, the arm is attached with what appears to be a fairly insubstantial tab of plastic. So I'm just showing some pics as a heads up, be very careful with the shoulders. See pics:





The way things are going, I think us lame BBTS people will get him last...

Thanks God I switched stores, I had my T800 preordered from them, but I got a bad feeling since I placed the order, so as soon as had him in stock (for a day or 2) I jumped ship.

Now I are happyz with mine t800 :wave
That really sucks but all I can think of looking at those pics is how realistic the rubber skin is.
Hi Guys, seems like I've been waiting on this release forever. It finally came today from onesixthbruce and the left arm is broken at the shoulder :( But more worrying, on looking at the mechanism, the arm is attached with what appears to be a fairly insubstantial tab of plastic. So I'm just showing some pics as a heads up, be very careful with the shoulders. See pics:


Oh man, so sorry to hear that, those pictures are very painful to watch. I cannot believe that the arm is attached to a little piece of plastic, WTF.

Are you getting a replacement ?
That arm connector/socket is a horrible design.

Isn't this now the second person to report the exact same arm break?.Thing i don't get about the rubber upper torso, is that they painted it but, left the nipples unpainted yet, Wolverine has them done and Leonidas.
Thanks for the feedback! does anyone know the name of the grenade launcher that t-800 used in T2, where can you get one for the figure. also where can you get the shell vest as well:wave

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