Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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re-read that part a bit... I see now that it was because you were snapping pics at the time true bummer man :( reach out to HT they may help...

i have parted out parts on ebay too. everything but the body... my prices are way cheaper than everything parted out in asia... im really suprised not one thing has sold except for the pants which sold in like 2 seconds of posting that stuff.
I hate to be a jerk guys and I have mad sympathy for HT breaks... it's the worst..


if you don't use stands you're totally asking for it and there's no one to blame but yourself... is it really worth it??

Typically I agree with this, but yeah in Platty's case he was taking photos.

I use the stands whether they appear to need them or not. I just don't think the arguments against using the stands hold up, pun intended, considering what you're risking.
Question, does it come with a black shirt? I see alot of them 'parted out' on ebay but are they official ones? Or 3rd party? Thanks!
Typically I agree with this, but yeah in Platty's case he was taking photos.

I use the stands whether they appear to need them or not. I just don't think the arguments against using the stands hold up, pun intended, considering what you're risking.

This is why if I do take a few shots of a figure with no stand I always prepare the area where nothing will slip, roll into, bump or me bump into something while walking about or a chair spin in my case when I had his arm extended with the shotgun. If I got off my chair it would have spun and possibly hit it. If it's not on the stand it's in the box. Plus if it wasn't going to be on the stand for long I would just place it flat on it's back so it can't topple over until I came back. Even though Arnie has great balance. It actually reminds me of the stability of the Takara. It's still nothing I would take the chance with anyway.

It's funny though, not for Platty's case but the certain other people that are always preaching these are just toys so what and you're crazy for being so @n@l with these are usually always the people later on that are b30tching they broke something. Then trying to get replacements or go buy new parts.

I've lost count the amount of wrist, ankle, chest, arm, leg breaks and so on, on this board.
When I take pics of a figure, I always place a cloth on the floor in front of the figure so if it falls over it wont smash the head sculpt on the floor.
The more precautions put in the better I say. It was the cloth from my light tent I had used. Quite grippy.
With my limited photoediting skills, I just finished this. Don't have a Harley unfortunately, so I had to use the one from the poster.
Hope you like it. :)


Awesome! :) Can't wait for mine. Paid about 180 bucks now on eBay, prices are on the rise. It will be my first hot toys figures after spending most of my money on resin garage kits and maquettes...hopefully i won't be dissapointed.
I had took loads of pictures before the fall happened, so I guess I just took my eye off the ball. When he is posed on the shelf and i'm not messing with him I use the stand, always. But for taking pictures sometimes you don't want it in the shot, guess that bit me in the arse big time!

Also I never really anticipated him falling backwards, just forwards. The fall forwards was clear of other things to hit, the fall backwards wasn't :lol
I hate to be a jerk guys and I have mad sympathy for HT breaks... it's the worst..


if you don't use stands you're totally asking for it and there's no one to blame but yourself... is it really worth it??

I used to use stands, but then stopped using them and the display looks alot better. For me any way. Annoyingly the only figure I have had trouble keeping balance and would use a stand on (But since the pose has been changed theres been no problems) didn't actually come with a bloody stand. And I don't want to mod the base to add a stand and don't want to use one of the black ones from another figure because it would just look weird on the shelf in comparrison to others and would have a different name plate. If anything I would buy a second big chap base and mod it so I still had one un modded incase I decided to sell.

Once the centre of balance has been found I don't have any problems. That figure (big chap) only fell over so much because the right knee joint is slightly loose so it can't support the weight on that leg as well so rather than stood in a stepping off the base ready to kill pose, which looked so much better, it's now stood up straight slightly hunched. Also regardless of its fall, it received no damage. The only time a figure broke is when I was reposing one and the knee broke at the slightest touch.

I know some prefer stands and can understand not wanting to take the risk. But I just don't like using them and prefer how they look without them.
Yeah I stopped using stands since moving into our new place and I think its alot better. The thing is, with stands your pose is somewhat limited and you end up with a doll like pose. Without stands you gain alot of extra shelf space and you can get much more creative. Aside from the stands width you're also always forced to display each piece with legs spread out.

For example:

Yeah I stopped using stands since moving into our new place and I think its alot better. The thing is, with stands your pose is somewhat limited and you end up with a doll like pose. Without stands you gain alot of extra shelf space and you can get much more creative. Aside from the stands width you're also always forced to display each piece with legs spread out.

For example:

Yeah I found that it limited poses! Especially if you wanted to stand a figure more sideways than facing straight forward or something like you have the T-800. And if you kept the stand for that pose then all the stands would be facing different directions and just make the display look kinda messy or un-organised.
I can see what you both mean but having all the figures stood on matching stands looks good in my opinion and adds a touch of class to a display. Without stands means you get get better poses though, so there's plusses and minuses for both!
I can see what you both mean but having all the figures stood on matching stands looks good in my opinion and adds a touch of class to a display. Without stands means you get get better poses though, so there's plusses and minuses for both!

When the stands all look the same, whether its DX ones or black ones or sideshow ones or whatever, it can look good. Like a museum display or something if they are all facing the same way. Depends how you utilise them though I suppose. When I was using stands at first I did like that impression it gave off.
A great seller on e-bay UK has parted a couple of these out, tempted to buy the head and pants, would be about £70 though, should I do it? There is absolutely no damage visible on the T-800 head of mine when looking at it. Not sure if it bothers me enough to spend that much on some items that aren't really really needed.