Crap!..If i knew this masterpiece existed i would have got this instead of the now inferior hot toys t800

Crap!..If i knew this masterpiece existed i would have got this instead of the now inferior hot toys t800
Does anybody notice something a little off about this one?$&ff4=263602_263622
I know I'm late to the party, but mine should be arriving today. I just have to be lucky and time it out to be home when UPS delivers.
I was trying to stay out of the Terminator line but now I have this showing up and I ordered a T-600 shipping late this week.I've been down this collecting lines road before and it doesn't end pretty for the old pocket book.
Hey Guys.
I was late on ordering this second wave release. I did just put myself on sideshow's waitlist. Any idea's where they might have some of the new release at near retail prices? If not, I may just have to be patient and wait for a possible BD T2.
Corner Store Comics, a couple of boardies mentioned had it for a very good price.
Hey Guys.
I was late on ordering this second wave release. I did just put myself on sideshow's waitlist. Any idea's where they might have some of the new release at near retail prices? If not, I may just have to be patient and wait for a possible BD T2.
razors edge still has this guy if you want him but their asking 200 for him now.
Thanks for offering up razor's edge. It's not an unreasonable price, but I'm holding out for something under $200. There are a few on evilbay, and I may have to pull the trigger there. I thought with the recent re-release, there might be a possibility of getting him at least closer to retail. If I knew for a fact that HT planned on a BD version (maybe with minigun) I'd be willing to wait. A bit on the fence.
There a TON of great pics in this thread.
Ooooh! Looks like you went a bit heavy with the box cutter ther dude!
it came that way, was wrapped in bubble pinches but the shipping box could have been a little bit bigger but its fine.
its a great figure! stupid me for not having gotten this so much sooner.
I have a question though, is the head suppose to be able to come off very easily when I was putting on the shades the head just came right off. the instructions make it look like the head is supposed to be very tight on the body and thats why you have to turn it a certain way to make different poses? I also noticed the head doesn't snap or pop into the peg like the hands do, is this the norm for everyone else thanks!