Super Freak
Yeah, Cameron probably thought the nades looked too small on Arnies body 
as we suspected then - they went for a more impressive aesthetic than weapon realism.
I've ordered a second badloier, soon as it's in, I'm going to remove the strip from both and use the 2 holster strips to spread out the slots correctly. At his point, it's the only detail really bugging me anymore about my bash.
I'm going to search through my spare parts first before I think of ordering yet more stuff. Will you be stitching yours? I'm not sure I could do that, probably I'll just try glue.
Yeah, it's too bad about this hobby....too much compromises. But, we'll live.The problem is, for now, you have to make compromises with the grenades, accurrate shape and paint or accurrate size. M79 grenades look accurate but way too small on the figure, the Soldier Story grenades aren't accurate or even sold as M79s, but are proper scale to the figure to match the movie. To me, the figure looks better with proper scale than shape and color and I've had both.
Or, BD version is announced.Yeah, I can sew well enough to do it. I got a second badlier because I like the material and by the time I run around hunting something new, it's not worth the hastle.
Mr. EcKo said:
Nice display EcKo!Love your T-800 collection!
Yeah, it's too bad about this hobby....too much compromises. But, we'll live.
Hahahaha!Us to Hot Toys:
"you just can't go around leaving toylines incomplete!"
"What do you mean why, because you can't!"
"because you just can't alright? Trust us on this. now...we're gonna save up some money and we order you to make the bd T-800"
Either the one that came with the Hot Toys MMS02 Battledamaged T-800 or the recent COOmodels M134, both of which can be seen at this Toys2 link:
Go for the COOmodels one, its newer, has more detail and a better finish.
COOmodels also made an M79 and grenade bandolier and also a carrier bag for the mini-gun's ammo sold seperately. You need black gloved hands too.
I need a little bit of extra money, so Im selling the rosebox from the figure. If anyone is interested...
Nice!Got those other grenades I'd ordered today. They're M203 'bullets'. Though I haven't got the other ones with me to compare they appear to be the exact same only these came in pairs with little pouches. They're both Soldier Story products.
So anyone looking for larger grenades for their Cyberdyne T-800s use 'M203 bullets' in your searches aswell.
How many grenades does Arnie have in the film? Just looking at the NECA figure, it has 11 grenades on its bandolier with space for 12.
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Couldn't you just find nine dollars in change on a sidewalk or by recycling bottles? Surely there are better ways than selling that little box of roses?
The M79 presents a nightmare of continuity problems. The bandolier varies both in quantity of grenades and arrangement of remaining grenades as the movie heads toward its climax. At the end of the day the bandolier started with 11 rounds which somehow translated to firing 7 before running out of ammo.