I remember watching an interview with Clark Gregg, where they were teasing him about how all his colleagues got actions figures and he's always the one to be left out, and he says it would be really cool if they made an action figure of him.. so I did some digging and apparently he made some comment about his HT figure on his Twitter:
Clark Gregg @clarkgregg
Even mighty #hottoys bows before Coulson's army. Squeeeee! RT @WayneTalbot looks like that Hot Toys petition worked
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/578739_10150950754752344_293634175_n.jpg …
Anyway, I thought it was kind of interesting. I don't have a Twitter account, how do you even read those things?? Do they just drop a one liner or is there actually a conversion? Would like to see the whole thing if someone can copy/paste the whole thing.