Re: Hot Toys-MMS 201-Jor-El 1/6th Scale Collectible figure
Please try to avoid spoilers in this thread if possible. It's only been out a few weeks, and this isn't the thread for the film. . .having said that, I personally try to avoid threads related to any characters for a film I plan on seeing. It's inevitable that spoilers will crop up at some point.
Wow. There is just no pleasing some people.
. . .
I kid, I kid...but really. It does seem most of the time in here that NOTHING that's announced will please some of the folks in here...
I get where you're coming from here. But to put my spin on this, in general, Hot Toys feels like they release three types of figures:
-Category 1: Iron Man, Batman, and Joker (surely deserve their own category since this is over 50% of HT's focus)
-Category 2: Other cool characters huge chunks of collectors want (Wolverine, Indiana Jones, Naked Snake, Robocop, etc.)
-Category 3: Non-essential, often easily passable secondary characters like Fatburn, Odin, Jor-El, Angelica, Ada Wong, etc.
If I'm fan of a license, then I sometimes want that category 3 of course. But there's a trade-off in HT's resources, and so usually, I'll prefer more character to fit into that second category. So, your Marty McFly, police assault T-800, Rocky, Rorschach, Reynolds Green Lantern. . .even something that's not a huge geek crowd pleaser like Michael Jackson or James Dean fits into this category, because they aren't secondary, supporting figures.
Whenever we see a Fatburn or Jor-El shown off, part of me thinks, "dang, one more of those guys instead of McFly or Rocky." And at a certain point, HT will put some of those other characters aside (as they did with Green Lantern and Rorschach), so it isn't like these are guaranteed to happen even if hinted at/promised. Hot Toys has limited resources and a choice for an Odin means we don't get Thor 1 Loki. . .
So anyway, I think there is a justification in folks being disappointed with something like this.
Because everyone knows that people don't buy figures they like and pass on the ones they don't. They simply buy every figure (good and bad) until they run out of money and then they start lying about some made up concept called "lack of interest" to save face over their shameful poverty.
Khev. . .if you reveal my private motivations and behaviors to the forum again, we're gonna have words