Again, all about different tastes and opinions.
This release is from one of my favourite movies, I like it. It's the first official release of a Bruce Wayne in a suit figure (on HT level) and of Butler Alfred, who is one of the absolute main characters in all 3 movies, so imo something like this was long overdue.
From what I read it's even something that not only completists are getting but also collectors who didn't get any other HT TDK release before, either because this set is very iconic or because they didn't have the chance before to get a DX12 at retail prices.
I'm not usually a completist but I'm almost one when it's about this trilogy. As posted before a few times I understand other opinions from the particular perspective, I would appreciate some more variety in the figure releases as well, especially less Iron Man (though I also like Iron Man)

but in the end I think they'll produce what they consider demanded.
As long as there are Nolan Batman fans and I don't see that ending, I'm sure they'll keep producing things for this line. I'm fine if it only happens from time to time, so that there's enough room for other things, but imo there were some things pointed out that would even be much more iconic for the TDK trilogy than what we've seen released yet.
This armory set is one of them and Trenchcoat Jim Gordon, Bat-Signal, DX Batman Begins Suit, Lucius Fox, John Blake, Ra's and other things would be cool as well. (In my opinion
