I loved that scene!
I think I'm just regular background for this one. My boy just told me that they needed people to be "NYCC attendees" and I told him I'd do it since I'm in town anyways. Should be interesting. I wonder if it'll be at the Javits or if they're making their own set. Wanted to go this year but tickets sold fast, plus I wasn't sure if I was gonna be back in town for it.
I don't have a dx 02 anymore to try. But the dx 12 struggles and is too tall really.
They've changed the foot pegs on the armory version and it's the only one that sits in it perfectly.
The dx 12 when u take the boots off have the white uundersuit visible and it's longer ankle joint whereas the armory doesn't.
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So is it official that my dx02 won't fit in the armory??!?
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thats why it comes with a batman.
I wanted the dx02 to be my display suit and use the new dx12 outside the armory. But thanks for the info smart a$$, lol
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Does anyone know how the articulation is on this?
Anyone got more pics with the stock cape on ? I want to see how bad the cape looks and if it could be saved by steaming it or hot pressed.
paramore pics -![]()
Paramore and his black magic at work again.![]()
Great pictures. I see yours has got that thing where the top of the left eye isn't painted - one of my Alfred's had that.