1/6 Hot Toys-MMS 236-TDK Armory (with Batman, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne Figures)

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Ehh this is hard... I have spent a lot of money on other HT, haven't picked up a Batman Fig yet but this looks to good to pass up.
that armory looks identical to the the lousy toys legend one. i owned it, and it looks like there are no differences, including the little paper clip like hangers on the doors....makes me wonder if there is some funny business going on here. did HT buy the rights from toys legend? did toys legend version originate from a leak at HT? i mean, its identical. i know most people will say of course it is, they are both modeled to look like the one in the movie, but i would expect some differences. i dont see one. does anyone else?

They changed the bottom base, flipped the panels, and tweaked the light placement. That's all that is different. I don't think the toys legend one is lousy at all, I love it.
... plus, that pack-out feature which costs another additional, i guess, i made the right choice to go with BBTS for free double box shipping carton (pack-out thingie) especially I don't know how many boxes this would be. Just one, right? One huge box that is! LoLz!
$645 shipped is a killer and more than I paid on the Batmobile. Pass.

$570ish would have been more ideal, but eh, these aren't going anywhere. I have a ton of rewards points from Spooktacular and Christmas that I could blow on it but I think I'll save them and see what else Hot Toys has up their sleeve . . .

You're comparing $645 shipped to having an ideal of $570...shipped? So about $550 retail? Of course a cheaper deal like that would be amazing...but I think a deal that sweet is a lot to expect.

We'd all prefer everything to be cheaper of course, but based on the current prices for individual figures, $625 retail is very fair, considering it comes with 3 full figures + accessories + an articulated set piece with lighting.
Is this your first TDK-suit Batman figure? If it is, and you can afford it, I'd get the full set. $625/3 figures PLUS a set piece is a great deal when you think of it. If you really really don't want want the armory and Alfred + Wayne once you have them in hand, you can unload them on the secondary market and still come out on top.

It is my first, but I know the boss/wife won't let me get the full set, regardless on how much I can sell the other figures for. And because this isn't an exclusive, I have time to wait it out for awhile.
that armory looks identical to the the lousy toys legend one. i owned it, and it looks like there are no differences, including the little paper clip like hangers on the doors....makes me wonder if there is some funny business going on here. did HT buy the rights from toys legend? did toys legend version originate from a leak at HT? i mean, its identical. i know most people will say of course it is, they are both modeled to look like the one in the movie, but i would expect some differences. i dont see one. does anyone else?

There's quite a few changes, HT is still incorrect, but the trays are different even some of the accessories, they did fix the lights though and the base is different, Thinking of mixing the two, lol
It is my first, but I know the boss/wife won't let me get the full set, regardless on how much I can sell the other figures for. And because this isn't an exclusive, I have time to wait it out for awhile.

I own the copyright on boss/wife... but I'll allow you to use it. ;)

I jest of course! :1-1:
I agree. That's why I'm keeping my spare and not selling it. Either that, or do you think it's worth getting the Bats+ Armory and then selling the Armory afterwards? That way you'd have 2 batsuits. What do you think?

I think that's completely reasonable if you're motivation is to have the two figures in your collection. Resale value will suffer a bit if you ever had to sell the loose figure, but I'm sure you'll find someone to buy the armory, and end up with only $150 or so in your extra Batman in the end.
Just pre-ordered the Armory! Didn't have a need for Bruce and Alfred & really wanted a Batman figure so couldn't let this one pass up. The payment plan makes the price less painful too haha
All things considered this is a good deal if you ask me. Three figures plus the armory all shipped for $645 isn't too shabby really. Considering that the DX12 alone was $250 and the Toys Legend armory wasn't licensed and was going for around $250 I believe. Plus if a person were to kitbash an Alfred and a Wayne you probably could have spent quite a bit doing that too by the time you bought all the parts needed.
You're comparing $645 shipped to having an ideal of $570...shipped? So about $550 retail? Of course a cheaper deal like that would be amazing...but I think a deal that sweet is a lot to expect.

We'd all prefer everything to be cheaper of course, but based on the current prices for individual figures, $625 retail is very fair, considering it comes with 3 full figures + accessories + an articulated set piece with lighting.

No S***....current Ht prices for one figure around $220 LOOK at all you get? Amazing deal in my book and I have the 89 Batmobile myself but figures are a whole diferent animal..
Just pre-ordered the Armory! Didn't have a need for Bruce and Alfred & really wanted a Batman figure so couldn't let this one pass up. The payment plan makes the price less painful too haha

Exactly. I say get this instead of paying the now unjustified after market prices of the DX12. Get more by paying just a little more than what they are offering... and they are offering less for basically the same money.
Why do some people think a huge company like Hot Toys for be involved with Toy Legends piece? Clearly, they are going be very similar. They are both making the same piece.
... plus, that pack-out feature which costs another additional, i guess, i made the right choice to go with BBTS especially I don't know how many boxes this would be. Just one, right? One huge box that is! LoLz!

I don't think the box has to be too huge, or multiple boxes if they design it right. The Batman Figure can be carefully packed within the cage (not by itself, of course with fitted styrofoam padding) and Alfred and Bruce on the sides. I expect the shipper to be basically cube shaped, like two DX-sized boxes back to back.
I think that's completely reasonable if you're motivation is to have the two figures in your collection. Resale value will suffer a bit if you ever had to sell the loose figure, but I'm sure you'll find someone to buy the armory, and end up with only $150 or so in your extra Batman in the end.

Right now I have one DX12 sitting on the Batpod and a spare one. I do want to have an HK Extraction Bruce and possibly a standalone Batman to replace my DX02, plus one will sit in the armory. So that's at max 4 DX12 bodies. Unless I replace the armory one with the DX02, then I can maybe spare one. I have time to figure it out I guess, but I put my hold on a Batman+Armory and the 3-set for now on BBTS. Will probably cancel one or both when I'm ready to do SSC since I get back $31 in reward points and shipping is about the same for both.
All things considered this is a good deal if you ask me. Three figures plus the armory all shipped for $645 isn't too shabby really. Considering that the DX12 alone was $250 and the Toys Legend armory wasn't licensed and was going for around $250 I believe. Plus if a person were to kitbash an Alfred and a Wayne you probably could have spent quite a bit doing that too by the time you bought all the parts needed.
:exactly: :goodpost: