Super Freak
I think I used some DID ones on my Empire Han, they looked good and hold up well.
How old are they. Because i bought 2 pairs of DID years ago to mod the Dragonpanzer cops, the one i used leaving flakes on the floor, the one i kept as spare cracked and i end up washing the pleather off. i dont know if they improved the material but pleather never last.I think I used some DID ones on my Empire Han, they looked good and hold up well.
genuine leather usually means scrapped leather powder mixed with glue and other synthetic material to form a leather like layer laid onto a fabric backing, which is worse than 100% synthetic as the leather powder dont hold together as well as synthetic causing cracks and flakes sooner like the cheap walmart genuine leather belts and wallets.Yeah even doing the "maintenance" with various protective products (303) I haven't been 100% sure will prevent the death of HT pleather.
And it does happen to DID boots too - I've had a few of those go. DID offers "genuine leather" boots now on most of tehir figs but I think that's about as "genuine" as the Present Toys Indy jacket... sold as "genuine" but clearly not.
And some of that type of 303 type maintenance is a huge issue because you have to pull things like boots and belts off, upsetting poses and exposing the pleather to some stress and handling it wouldn't normally have, and also potentially getting the 303 on clothing, headsculpts etc with unknown outcomes. And some people say you're supposed to do that process a few times a year which is just crazy.
It's ultimately the crap pleather HT uses because my Kenner Han 12" has a pleather vest that is still intact after 40+ years.
if you got them brand new just remove all parts and apply them to ensure full coverage. i just mentioned angelus sealer which only needs done once, then you can just apply the 303 or hyper dressing once a year or so without removing anything.The problem I have with leaving stuff in place when you do the 303 is that in some cases you can only really reach maybe 80-90% of the pleather surface - for example parts of a belt or jacket that are folded under, the inner lip of boots etc - so those areas that don't receive direct application of the 303 so can still potentially fail.
I did several Indy jackets recently and there were a lot of areas on the jackets that were folded in on itself - underside of collars and tabs, deep jacket pleats, seams folded inward (ie where zippers go) - and you really would have missed a good 15% of the pleather surface if you didn't take it off the fig, and crumbling in these areas is probably as fatal to the jacket as a visible surface crack.
It's a staggeringly frustrating thing that these $250+ items have parts that in some cases only last 5-10 years, and if you're talking a character that has a lot of leather on their outfit, you're in trouble.
And I guess the 303 question (I've done some, but I have something like 150 figs all up and maybe 1/2 have at least some pleather parts) is still an open one - just not sure that anyone has used it long enough for us to really understand if side-by-side a person who used it kept the pleather intact and the person who didn't had it fail.
Bottom line for me is that I just don't think its possible in the real world for me to coat probably upwards of 300 individual pleather items of varying sizes, many partly hidden under coats and other stuff every 6 months or so, which is what's necessary. It's just countless hours of stressful, joyless work that has to be done over and over (303 would be awesome if it was a "one and done" process.)
Any pics you can share?For anyone needing a new set of boots for their ANH Han, I just got the HT Grand Inquisitor boots parted out, and they match up pretty perfectly to the original boots this figure came with. They’re the proper height and the ankle pegs are the same length as well, but have some foam wrapped around them. I definitely recommend if your boots have cracked. The only other set from HT I can think of that may match up for Han would be the ones with Admiral Thrawn, though that’s a couple years away at this point.
It’s nice having this figure looking brand new again. Now just the wait for Waruna’s sculpt whenever those are ready to upgrade from the Jnix sculpt I have
Hopefully they last more than 5 years unlike so much of this junk HT pleather. You wonder at these prices why boots couldn't be real leather.For anyone needing a new set of boots for their ANH Han, I just got the HT Grand Inquisitor boots parted out, and they match up pretty perfectly to the original boots this figure came with. They’re the proper height and the ankle pegs are the same length as well, but have some foam wrapped around them. I definitely recommend if your boots have cracked. The only other set from HT I can think of that may match up for Han would be the ones with Admiral Thrawn, though that’s a couple years away at this point.
It’s nice having this figure looking brand new again. Now just the wait for Waruna’s sculpt whenever those are ready to upgrade from the Jnix sculpt I have
I’m not the best at taking pictures but I will try to post some decent ones tomorrow afternoonAny pics you can share?
I’m no photographer so I wouldn’t take my pics as a metric of what the Jnix sculpt looks like in hand. Unfortunately, the pics look nothing like what I see in-hand which is typically why I don’t post pics I don’t do any of these things justice. My pics will always do a disservice to even the most praised headsculpts/figures/statuesI don't know what people see in the Jnix. Looks like Will Ferrell.
Agreed.I always scratch my head at how the jnix photographs. In-hand it just oozes a living, breathing ANH HF like no other sculpt in my time in 1/6 has ever done. It has attitude, killer ANH-specific likeness (noticeably different to ESB and ROTJ) and even the hair sculpt - often a weakness in HT heads and very tricky to nail with OT Han - looks spot-on.
Yet in pics it nearly always looks a little awkward or a bit off, slightly goofy, and when jnix used the exact same sculpt for ESB and Indy heads it just looked bad, even including the face sculpt. Just one of the many mysteries of the 1/6 scale.
I will say though that there were a couple of runs of the ANH Jnix Han head and the V2 paint looked to me to be noticeably inferior to V1 and I always wondered if the V2 casts got ever-so-slightly distorted .