Rex Tremendae Majestatis
Talking about the hero one could be, whatever happened to Tintin? Will there be a Part II? I quite enjoyed the first one...
Indy's the man. Especially in his first outing. Ford gave us a hero that you really wanted to be like when you strutted out of the theater looking for adventure.
Didn't HT change the Christopher Reeve Superman after pre-order's started? I seem to remember a lot of people were fine with the figure and HT changed it anyway...for the better!I really hope we do see revisions, but, now they've started taking pre-orders, that could be unlikely. A flood of pre-orders can be taken to mean that people like what they see and want it. HT would have realised something was up if there were NO pre-orders, but, that never happens. There will always be devotees that will pre-order it just because it's HT. If, on announcement, enough people said "We are NOT pre-ordering this till X Y Z are done!" then they would maybe take note. I think it's already too late though.
Raiders is clearly the best, but I'm still a massive fan of TOD and TLC. They're clearly have very different styles and tones, but I think both work about equally well.
I'm sure Hot Toys is just totally busted up about it.
I mean, holy s***, qualitymm is not gonna buy HT SW stuff... OMFG... Just wanna kill myself! ******!
After seeing thos star wars comics a got a little Original triology fever. can anyone recomend any good original triology comics?
I'm sure Hot Toys is just totally busted up about it.
I mean, holy s***, qualitymm is not gonna buy HT SW stuff... OMFG... Just wanna kill myself! ******!
The only ones that are gonna count as canon will be the ones Marvel starts publishing from January.