Well I'll be... See... there it is. That's the answer. HT did Old Ewan, not Old Ben.

Well I'll be... See... there it is. That's the answer. HT did Old Ewan, not Old Ben.
I think maybe the reason some people like the sculpt is they are seeing an old Ewan in the face... and they like that.
Trevor's sculpt is still the best, caricature elements or not. It immediately identifiable, even stripped naked. And I know.
Did anyone put the SS inner robes on this figure? Curious to see some pics to see if it’s worth it.
That is true. From a certain point of view.
(HT bathrobe replaced with Hasbro inner robes.)
I have the JNIX sculpt the SS sculpt and the HT version and a custom version of the HT sculpt. I`m using the JNIX sculpt as I like it the best.
tbh, I think the best inner robe is the hasbro one. The fabric seems to work better than the Sideshow one, though it is a bit too white. I like how the Hasbro one feels - the weave on the SSC is a touch too coarse, but it still looks decent. The HT one is like a lady's bathrobe and seems throwaway to me. You can see the SSC vs Hasbro in my pic - even the sew on the "V" looks better on the Hasbro.
As seen in my pic, a month or two ago I got a beautifully repainted SSC Ben and I've been blown away by the whole figure compared to the HT. Even the outer robes, which I had heard were inferior to the HT ones, I have been really impressed with - to me the SSC hooded robe is better looking than the too-dark brown chamois material that HT used. The SSC belt is obviously bad (swapped that immediately) and the HT boots are better (though you really can't pose him in any way where they are visible to any great degree,) but the SSC fig has become my foreground Ben, and HT Ben is background with hood up for Vader duel.
Interesting, so inexpensive to acquire I might try to check one out. I see a couple versions of the Hasbro Ben—cloak version vs training gear. Make any difference which one?
This may be the best comparison pic I've seen that really shows how much the HT sculpt just looks like a cosplayer. It's a great sculpt... of someone other than Alec Guinness.
Looks great, TT!
The next thing you can do is unstitch the sleeves (to lengthen) on your Hasbro Luke farmboy tunic and put that on your HT Luke farmboy - improves the overall figure a huge amount. The HT one is too short and not loose enough.