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Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Anakin one night, Kenobi the next. Hopefully Disney will remake the prequels and work in that plot line.

Ok Science fiction aside. The probability of producing two eggs during one cycle is very small. For those eggs to be in the same space at the same time and then be fertilised on two separate occasions is impossible.

It's a ridiculous idea, even if the "humans" of Star Wars are some different species that produces eggs every day, audience's would never go for it.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Darth is short for DARk lord of the siTH.

It is now. Before it was a mix of Dark and Death.... which also fit nicely into the Dark Lord of Sith.... because Lucas created the word Sith after he created the name Darth. So he made it fit, and later changed the rule as to what it meant. It's OK, its his mythology. So don't think because it fits that its supposed to be, since its ever evolving while Lucas is involved. Things that also fit "Dark Lord of Sith": Dard... or Lorth.... or Daloth.... Dorkth.... or who knows what?
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Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure


I'd agree. Even the very few good things about it aren't worth the mess that it created with the lore. Starting with 'Darth' as a title.

Darth was being used as a title in the expanded universe way before the prequels came along.

It makes more sense to me than Sith just changing their names for the fun of it.

Yes originally it was version of dark and/or death. Incidentally Vader also translates as Father. Dark Father!

Lore is expanded upon and changed at the whim of the production teams for these things.

As it stands Darth is a title. Just don't get me started on Midichlorians! :slap
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Ok Science fiction aside. The probability of producing two eggs during one cycle is very small. For those eggs to be in the same space at the same time and then be fertilised on two separate occasions is impossible.

It's a ridiculous idea, even if the "humans" of Star Wars are some different species that produces eggs every day, audience's would never go for it.

So you're saying it would have to be at the same time? I don't think Disney would go for that. Either way Luke and Leia are from two different eggs since they're fraternal twins.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Ok Science fiction aside. The probability of producing two eggs during one cycle is very small. For those eggs to be in the same space at the same time and then be fertilised on two separate occasions is impossible.

It's a ridiculous idea, even if the "humans" of Star Wars are some different species that produces eggs every day, audience's would never go for it.

Heteropaternal superfecundation is a lot more likely than a droid on wheels making it across a sandy dessert.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Darth was being used as a title in the expanded universe way before the prequels came along.

It makes more sense to me than Sith just changing their names for the fun of it.

Why? Cults often have "secret identities" or what's known as your "true name". I'd buy just a name change to join the group. Hell, we needed to make up names to join this forum.

Could have kept it simple and just called all Sith 'Lords'. Lord Darth Vader.... Lord Don Sidious.... Lord Fred Tyrannus...
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

So you're saying it would have to be at the same time? I don't think Disney would go for that. Either way Luke and Leia are from two different eggs since they're fraternal twins.

Good point about the fraternal twins, I didn't account for that!

Yes it would most likely have to have happened simultaneously and I agree, Disney will never go for that! However Lejuan brings an interesting point to the table. It is possible that it could happen at different times but the probability of Heteropaternal superfecundation in humans is only 0.001%

Heteropaternal superfecundation is a lot more likely than a droid on wheels making it across a sandy dessert.

This is why I don't eat ice cream on the beach on windy days. I hate when I get sand in my dessert! :rotfl

Why? Cults often have "secret identities" or what's known as your "true name". I'd buy just a name change to join the group. Hell, we needed to make up names to join this forum.

Could have kept it simple and just called all Sith 'Lords'. Lord Darth Vader.... Lord Don Sidious.... Lord Fred Tyrannus...

Could have. Didn't. They went with a bit of both, Darth as a title followed by a name that is bestowed by their master. I can see how you don't like it and that's cool. I do like it.

To me it adds a sense of Grandeur and authenticity to the Sith as an ancient "Order" rather than them being some crazy cult. Also as mentioned earlier it's been retconned into a contraction of Dark Lord of the Sith. Which again, I'm happy to accept.

To be fair, if they had gone the other way and kept Vader's first name as Darth like it was in ANH, I'd be equally happy to accept it. But it is what is. :dunno
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure


I'd agree. Even the very few good things about it aren't worth the mess that it created with the lore. Starting with 'Darth' as a title.

I saw that youtube has a video of all seven teaser trailers strung together from TPM to TFA. I watched them all to see how they played. TFA felt like an extension of the OT. I don't even like watching the PT trailers anymore, not even for nostalgia.

I also would like Disney to just add the PT to the SW "Legends" brand of outdated non-canon material.
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Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Darth is Vader's first name. It ain't a title. Luke could have used a red lightsaber if he wanted to and it wouldn't have made him evil.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

When Obi-Wan said "You can't win, Darth" it was said with a familiarity/affection that suggested it was a name. But I have no problem with it now being a title.

I also have no problem with the prequels being part of the canon, warts and all. They may have been lacking in terms of direction and acting, but the storyline is no worse than that of the OT.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

It really gets down to whatever you grew up with, that's the way you'll swing I think.

I heard JJ is going to change Darth again to a new understanding for the new Disney generation.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

It really gets down to whatever you grew up with, that's the way you'll swing I think.

I don't know. I don't get the impression that there's this huge faction of teenagers/20-somethings today that are in love with SW because they saw the PT when they were little kids.

I think at best TPM might be their "Last Starfighter" or something. Kind of a fun movie at the time (if you're young) that doesn't really stick with you. I took my daughter to see TPM 3D (she was 5 at the time) and she was bored out of her mind. After that parental misstep neither my son nor daughter has watched anything but the Harmy trilogy at home.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

And that ends up being the origin of the mantle and the character goes back in time before the Prequels, creating the Sith Lawds.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

I don't know. I don't get the impression that there's this huge faction of teenagers/20-somethings today that are in love with SW because they saw the PT when they were little kids.

Yep, these forums are probably an echo chamber for cranky old prequel-hating geezers. There's a whole new generation out there that (heaven forbid) doesn't have a problem with the prequels.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Yep, these forums are probably an echo chamber for cranky old prequel-hating geezers. There's a whole new generation out there that (heaven forbid) doesn't have a problem with the prequels.

I "don't have a problem" with Battle Beyond the Stars either. Does that mean I ever watch it as an adult or talk about it or think about it? No.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Darth is Vader's first name. It ain't a title.

When Obi-Wan said "You can't win, Darth" it was said with a familiarity/affection that suggested it was a name. But I have no problem with it now being a title.

Yes indeed, as I said, in ANH Darth was his name not his title.
Re: Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi Sixth Scale Figure

Yep, these forums are probably an echo chamber for cranky old prequel-hating geezers. There's a whole new generation out there that (heaven forbid) doesn't have a problem with the prequels.
Good! Can't be said enough how much the prequels suck. :lol

And in regards to the new generation, I have nephews and nieces, and between them and all their friends, I've never met one that was blown away by the prequels the way our generation was blown away by Star Wars. If the OT didn't exist and the PT was all there was, it never would've made it to Attack of the Clones.

Yes indeed, as I said, in ANH Darth was his name not his title.
To me it's no different than if someone in Game of Thrones addresses an opponent as "Ser". Just doesn't matter to me, either way, and both interpretations work.