SSC's Dewback will still look great in 50 years. I'd like to see Hulk or a rubber Dewie in 10. Not to mention bending it any which way would result in unrealistic folds (and also stress the rubber, causing it to crack sooner). It's just impractical and pointless, IMO.
Will look great in 50 years unless dropped from a height of 1 foot between now and then.

A rotocast Dewback like SSC Jabba might have provided some limited articulation without resorting to rubber skin (and solved the weight issue, but then you'd get the "it's not heavy so it's cheap!" thing.) The 1/6 Wolfman figure had some pretty great hidden ball joints in a 100% roto figure. I'm using some of those joints for my 1/6 Hasbro Taun reboot and they are amazing. And the level of detail on roto continues to improve.