There are both male and female prostitutes, always have been. To think only females can be prostitutes my say something about YOUR attitude towards women.
There are both male and female prostitutes, always have been. To think only females can be prostitutes my say something about YOUR attitude towards women.
Well said!
There are both male and female prostitutes, always have been. To think only females can be prostitutes my say something about YOUR attitude towards women.
Pepper and Scarlett Witch both look like transvestites to me in the upcoming release group shot.
The shoes? Looks like something an escort would wear I guess. I see it, probably charges a premium too.
Really? how often do men get told they are wearing "prostitute shoes"? This isn't about if men and women can be "prostitutes", it's about the cultural privilege some men feel they have to liken women, or feminine things like high heels, to prostitution.
Snoop, please don't delete any of this.This has the makings of a classic SSF thread.
Really? how often do men get told they are wearing "prostitute shoes"? This isn't about if men and women can be "prostitutes", it's about the cultural privilege some men feel they have to liken women, or feminine things like high heels, to prostitution.
I called your comments misogynistic because they were - that's not name calling.Now you're just being plain rude. Cause you really have nothing and then you start name calling, cause that is all you can think of. It's petty and pathetic.
If cap were wearing high heels??? That's your argument? Is there no such thing as intellectually honesty anymore?It's got nothing to do with gender. If Cap. America had these shoes on, I would have said the same thing.
I "yes mamm'ed" her cause I thought she was right. It's called sarcasm, it's hard to do on a message board, my bad. But maybe next time, before you jump to conclusions and resort to name-calling, you should ask questions.
I do feel the need to belittle you now, and resort to name calling, but I wont, cause I'm not that ego-centered or self-rightous.
Don't go starting something with me tooThe well said was for the "having more respect" part, nothing wrong with agreeing with that. Besides I thought you just said you were team Cap and pro free speech. So why is it wrong of me to agree with something someone said?
Nothing against you.
I have plenty of respect. You don't know me and judge me cause I use a word. I could be on the streets, working with prostitutes, guns blazing in Romania, saving "traded" girls. I may be. I might even be a woman. I still think they look like prostitute shoes. I also respect your reviews (waiting for the next one). Just kinda sad that you would lower yourself to his/her level. But yeah, freedom of speech. Bring it on
Hahaha! Oh, my bad, I should have used the word "Escort shoes". I still believe they look like something a prostitute would wear. I liked them in the film, but, a stated before, on the figure they look tacky. But I just found out she also has bare feet. So, I'm good. Oh, back to the hating and talking about me belittling women.
I called your comments misogynistic because they were - that's not name calling.
If cap were wearing high heels??? That's your argument? Is there no such thing as intellectually honesty anymore?
Again, how about some intellectual honesty here. After you "yess mammed her" you continued in the very next post to do the same thing, laughing and continuing to insist they were "prostitute shoes". There was nothing to indicate any kind of sincerity in your response to her other than you just laughing her off.
Seriously? Read what you just wrote. Please don't be passive aggressive by saying your not going to "belittle" and "name call" and then actually do those things in the same sentences. Don't pretend to be taking some kind high road here.
I have plenty of respect. You don't know me and judge me cause I use a word. I could be on the streets, working with prostitutes, guns blazing in Romania, saving "traded" girls. I may be. I might even be a woman. I still think they look like prostitute shoes. I also respect your reviews (waiting for the next one). Just kinda sad that you would lower yourself to his/her level. But yeah, freedom of speech. Bring it on
Again, how about some intellectual honesty here. After you "yess mammed her" you continued in the very next post to do the same thing, laughing and continuing to insist they were "prostitute shoes". There was nothing to indicate any kind of sincerity in your response to her other than you just laughing her off.