Super Freak
Oh it's the same headsculpt but different painting? Now that's interesting. I guess switching heads with the CW one won't be a problem them so in case I like that one better, I can still buy it from Ebay. :3 I'm not sure I wanna get another SW since I got limited space and there are a few more HT I wanna buy. In fact, I'd have to 'clear' a third Detolf shelf for dear Wanda here. ^^'' At least once all my preorders come in but until then she could probably keep Scott some company.
I don't really go for an 'all avengers' line-up. I buy the figures I think look best except for with WS, here I just buy all that HT is giving me. ^^ Imo, her superhero outfit is great but she doesn't need it to kick some a** so I don't mind having her in her civvies.
Well, I'll see. There are two listings on Ebay that end in a few hours. If the price is good I might go for it. :3
Yup I believe so!
Yeah it's hard to decide on just one when the CW figure isn't out yet, and then we'll likely have at least one more for Infinity War, so it's mostly about which you want right now